On 04/25/2011 01:48 AM, Noel Welsh wrote:
On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 2:04 AM, Ryan Culpepper<ry...@ccs.neu.edu>  wrote:

* Noel Welsh<noelwe...@gmail.com>
  - Rackunit Tests
  - SRFI Tests
  - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
    load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)

I'm going to have difficulty doing this in a reasonable timeframe. I'm
on holiday at the moment and working on a project proposal w/ May
deadline in free time. Sorry. FWIW, this code doesn't change very
often and is almost certainly ok.

I just ran the test scripts for Rackunit and the SRFIs without problems, so I'm marking your items as done.

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