On 05/04/2011 03:57 PM, Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:
A simple experiment I just performed suggests that a monomorphic
inline cache hit can reduce the time needed for a send in Racket from
350ns to around 60ns, which is a massive win. I've attached the
program I used to measure this, FWIW. (Run it using command-line
Racket, not DrRacket: I got some *very* weird timing artifacts out of
DrRacket during this experiment!)

The question, then, is: how do we implement MICs or PICs using
Racket's macro system? Each send site needs to expand into

- a piece of global state
- a test involving that global state
- a possible update to that global state

You might borrow some ideas from this description of call-site caching in SBCL.


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