FWIW, there's actually no problems in the server. There were just broken tests.


On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Jay McCarthy <j...@racket-lang.org> wrote:
> I'm replying-all to a thread about an old problem report:
> http://bugs.racket-lang.org/query/?cmd=view&pr=11586
> I've just discovered that the Web server test suite has been failing
> for a very long time.
> There was a test that killed the current thread.
> The text ui for Rackunit does not protect against this or show you it
> has happened, or even that there have been failing tests. Since I run
> my tests from the command line, I've never known, because it's a very
> late test and the suite runs for a long time.
> As an experiment, I tried in the GUI for Rackunit and it does protect itself.
> I found this "problem" in January just by thinking of funny test
> cases, without even realizing I had a test suite that actually
> exhibited this problem.
> I think this is very bad. I'm working on fixing the Web server now.
> Jay
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