An access key wouldn't hurt, though I don't recall ever hearing of someone using them in practice. Just be careful of your hands if you're pressing three-simultaneous-key combinations a lot

BTW, I blogged an alternative a couple years ago, pasted below. Instead of "plt", now, I use "r" for Racket documentation. Usually I do Ctrl-T to get a new tab, so I don't have to make a decision on whether to replace the contents of the current tab, and which also leaves the text cursor in the AwesomeBar, ready to type my "r" search.

PLT Scheme Quicksearch in Firefox

So that I can search my local copy of PLT Scheme documentation easily from the Firefox location bar, I added a Quicksearch bookmark, with the properties:

    * Name: PLT Scheme 4.2.3 Documentation Quicksearch
* Location: file:///home/neil/.plt-scheme/4.2.3/doc/search/index.html?q=%s
    * Keyword: plt

Then I can search for, say, "event" by typing "plt event" into Firefox.

You'll of course need to change the pathname for your particular account's documentation directory. If you don't have such a directory, try require-ing a PLaneT package, then go take a break for 15 minutes while PLT does a one-time rendering of all the documentation.

 For list-related administrative tasks:

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