At Mon, 17 Oct 2011 19:02:36 -0600 (MDT), Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> * Matthew Flatt <>
>   - Racket Tests
>   - Languages Tests
>   - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
>     works in Windows and Mac OS X)


>   - mzc Tests

No longer applies; please remove from the checklist.

>   - mzc --exe tests
>   - .plt-packing Tests
>   - Games Tests
>   - Unit Tests
>   - Syntax Color Tests
>   - R6RS Tests
>   - JPR's test suite.
>   - Create an executable from a BSL program.


>   Updates:
>   - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
>   (updates should show v5.2 as the most current version)

Done (changes ready to merge).

>   - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
>   Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
>   are no such changes.

No changes.

  For list-related administrative tasks:

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