On 12/20/11 8:02 AM, Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:
On 2011-12-20 4:07 AM, Robby Findler wrote:
I like the idea, but I think our twitter feed and blog aren't updated enough.

When we decided to put a twitter feed on the rabbitmq.com homepage, we
went with simply including *any tweet mentioning rabbitmq*. This has its
upside and its downside, of course, and there was a lot of discussion at
the time as to whether this was appropriate, shooting ourselves in the
foot, etc.

By and large, it has worked out. Negative tweets are few and far
between. The impression given is of a vibrant and fairly diverse community.

Trickier, perhaps, with Racket, which isn't such a unique search term.

A search for @racketlang turns up almost nothing. A search for #racket turns up nothing you want associated with Racket.


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