On 01/12/2012 11:52 AM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
At Thu, 12 Jan 2012 11:19:55 -0700, Neil Toronto wrote:
2. Compile time: Provide macros that render icons during expansion and
try to store them in the "compiled" directory.

Do you need icons to be in separate files? A macro could expand to a
byte-string literal, since it's just as easy to generate a bitmap from
a PNG byte string as from a PNG file.

This is friggin' awesome. The expression

    (compiled-left-arrow-icon '(255 95 78) 24)

expands to

    (make-object bitmap% (open-input-bytes bs) 'png)

where `bs' is a literal byte string produced at compile time by

    (define bm (left-arrow-icon color-val height-val))
    (define p (open-output-bytes))
    (send bm save-file p 'png)
    (define bs-stx (datum->syntax stx (get-output-bytes p)))

The hardest part is parsing the color and height syntax, but `syntax/parse' makes it easy enough. There is no distribution problem, no versioning, hashing, caching, or unused bitmap cleanup. I can't think of a better solution, and I couldn't have done it in any other language.*

Racket so rocks.

Neil T

* Okay, I could have done it in some Lisp, but not safely or easily.
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