On 02/07/2012 01:59 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
Two hours ago, Neil Toronto wrote:
This is from the latest release. On Redex errors and some Typed Racket
errors (so far), I get something like

exception raised by error display handler: normalize-path:
#<path:/var/tmp/racket>  (within the input path) is not a directory or
does not exist; original exception raised: reduction-relation:
before underscore must be either a non-terminal or a built-in
pattern, found 1 in b_1

Are you using the nightly build?  If so, that path is where the build
happens, so it's probably a result of some bad macro that expands to
the path.  As seen in the last flood of PRs, the build should
eventually be completely free of such hard-wired paths, and IIRC, all
3rd-party packaging systems will barf on seeing them.

This is from "racket-5.2.1-bin-x86_64-linux-debian-squeeze.sh".

Neil ⊥
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