
On 2012 Feb 14, at 20:37, Neil Toronto wrote:

> Here's the deal, though. This one, even just the "lambda r." in a circle, is 
> pushing complexity. We've been approaching logo design too much like language 
> design, trying to cram as much semantic content as possible into a small 
> space or into the fewest shapes. A logo exists primarily to make a good 
> impression on outsiders. Filling it with too much meaning works actively 
> against this.

That's very true.

Also, there's quite a lot of visually arresting features in that banner -- the 
lambda in a circle, the artfully mismatched brackets, the shape of the letters, 
the margins on the letters, the colours -- each one of which would be 
distinctive by itself.

Here's another banner-shaped suggestion: <>.  
Perhaps I just like white space, but this seems to say quite a lot, and be 
distinctive, without looking busy (the 'r' is different from the previous 
suggestions, being Optima rather than Gill Sans).

Scheme is all about letting a little say a lot, and so it seems to me that 
really pared-back minimalism is a great look for Racket.  Logos should be 
designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing....

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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