On Mar 16, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

>  * The bug notification-turned-mailing-list interaction aspect of Gnats
>    is mostly lost.  GitHub sends out notifications when a bug is
>    created, but it will *not* send out further comments unless you're
>    participating in the discussion (i.e., you sent a comment on the
>    issue).
>    - This makes for the most major workflow change: instead of relying
>      on your mailbox for all bug-related activity, you *will* need to
>      use the GitHub (web) interface.

Can you elaborate on this? I see that I won't automatically receive all e-mails 
on all bugs, but if that's all right with me, then when will I have to use the 
web-interface that I don't currently?


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