On 10/01/2012 06:29 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Neil Toronto <neil.toro...@gmail.com> wrote:
#lang typed/racket

(: plus (Flonum Flonum -> Flonum))
(define (plus a b)
   (+ a b))

(module provider racket
   (require (submod ".."))
   (provide inline-plus)
   (define-syntax-rule (inline-plus a b) (plus a b)))

(require 'provider)

(inline-plus 1.2 2.3)

This program doesn't make sense -- the outer module depends on
'provider (see the `(require 'provider)`) but 'provider depends on the
outer module (that's what the inner `require` is doing).  That's a
cycle, and not allowed, typed or untyped.

You're right, that's wrong. Well, wrong-ish. Modules try to give the illusion of being evaluated top-to-bottom, but that apparently can't hold here.

FWIW, here's something that does work, and does what I want:

#lang racket/base

;; Struct definition
(module typed-struct typed/racket/base
  (struct: flonum-wrapper ([value : Flonum]) #:transparent)
  (provide (struct-out flonum-wrapper)))

;; Macros
(module untyped-syntax racket/base
  (require racket/flonum
           (submod ".." typed-struct))

  (provide fw+)

  (define-syntax-rule (fw+ x-expr y-expr)
    (let ([x x-expr] [y y-expr])
      (cond [(not (flonum-wrapper? x))
             (raise-argument-error 'fw+ "flonum-wrapper" 0 x y)]
            [(not (flonum-wrapper? y))
             (raise-argument-error 'fw+ "flonum-wrapper" 1 x y)]
             (flonum-wrapper (fl+ (flonum-wrapper-value x)
                                  (flonum-wrapper-value y)))])))

;; Definitions that depend on macros
(module more-typed-struct typed/racket/base
  (require (submod ".." typed-struct)
           (submod ".." untyped-syntax))

  (provide fwdbl)

  (: fwdbl (flonum-wrapper -> flonum-wrapper))
  (define (fwdbl x)
    (fw+ x x)))

(require 'typed-struct

(provide (all-from-out
          (submod "." typed-struct)  ; `submod' is necessary?
          (submod "." untyped-syntax)
          (submod "." more-typed-struct)))

The only bit that bothers me is the (begin (not (flonum-wrapper? x)) ...) stuff left lying around after TR's optimizer eliminates the branches in the expansions of `fw+'. IIRC, they cause futures to sync, but I'm going to believe that they won't always - or will be optimized away - just so I can have a decent solution to the typed macro problem.

Neil ⊥

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