For the first one, the new part is the deprecation notice in the
docs. Probably not worth including.

The others items are not major changes. I don't mind if they're not


At Sun, 28 Oct 2012 15:38:44 -0500,
Robby Findler wrote:
> Is the first one is something new? Otherwise, I'm not sure that any of
> these should be in the release announcement, unless maybe there's something
> I'm missing about the changes?
> Robby
> On Sunday, October 28, 2012, Vincent St-Amour wrote:
> > At Wed, 24 Oct 2012 20:29:43 -0400,
> > Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> > > stamourv:
> > >   - scheme language deprecation notice (68260a6c86)
> > >   - compat: packages, mutable lists (800a328fe6)
> > >   - NaN included in all float types (a6d5a98b61)
> >
> > * The `#lang scheme' language is deprecated. `#lang racket' should be
> >   used instead.
> >
> > * The `compatibility' collection provides features from Racket relatives,
> >   such as `defmacro' and mutable lists. These features are provided to
> >   ease porting code to Racket. We do not recommend using them in modern
> >   Racket code.
> >
> > * NaN is included in all of Typed Racket's floating-point types, which
> >   makes precise floating-point types easier to use.
> >
> > * Typed Racket provides the `:query-type/args' and `:query-type/result'
> >   utilities to explore types at the REPL.
> >
> > * Screenshots of the widgets provided by the Racket GUI library are
> >   included in the documentation. (Thanks to Diogo F. S. Ramos.)
> >
> > >   - optimization coach changes?
> >
> > Nothing major.
> >
> >
> > Vincent
> > _________________________
> >   Racket Developers list:
> >
> >
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