On 2013-07-27 07:10:54 -0600, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> I'm still unsure that submodules are going to be useful for managing a
> kind of "main-distribution" repository with references to package
> repositories.

Perhaps it would be worth considering using the git subtree feature
instead of submodules for the rest of the repository (just to clarify,
I'm not saying we should reconsider submodules for native-pkgs).

Description here:


In particular, this aspect seems useful for us:
  "you can also extract the entire history of a subdirectory from
   your project and make it into a standalone project"

>From what I understand (not having used them yet), subtrees also enable
end users of our main repo to just do a clone without any special
consideration for the subtrees. Only package maintainers would have to
occasionally update the subtrees in the main repo to pull in changes
from their own package repos.

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