On Oct 6, 2013, at 1:30 PM, David T. Pierson wrote:

> Hi all,
> At the hackathon Asumu helped me work on a Guide chapter on concurrency.
> Thanks Asumu!
> Since then I've fleshed it out some more and pushed a commit to github.
> https://github.com/davidtpierson/racket/commit/d2fb857efec8ce508ac6f76afa845d788edab4c1

Isn't this early example:

+(define worker (thread (lambda ()
+                         (let loop ()
+                           (displayln "Working...")       
+                           (loop)))))
+(sleep 2.5)
+(kill-thread worker)

... going to generate a *heck of a lot* of output in 2.5 seconds? How about 
something like (sleep 0.1) in the display loop?


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