I do this:

 * In DrRacket, open "pkgs/plot-pkgs/plot-lib/plot/private/common/draw.rkt"

 * Make a small change, save

 * At the command line, "racket/bin/raco setup --no-docs -l plot"

 * Run a test file in another tab in DrRacket that has (require plot)

I wait a long time (I think it's recompiling) and get this error:

link: bad variable linkage;
reference to a variable that has the wrong procedure or structure-type shape
  reference phase level: 0
variable module: "/home/neil/plt/pkgs/plot-pkgs/plot-lib/plot/private/common/draw.rkt"
  variable phase: 0
reference in module: "/home/neil/plt/pkgs/plot-pkgs/plot-gui-lib/plot/private/gui/plot2d.rkt" in: draw-bitmap

So I remove the "compiled" directory and try again. Same problem.

Here's the kicker: I always get link errors *until I close "draw.rkt" in DrRacket*. After that, I can remove the "compiled" directory, rebuild, and run the program without errors.

Does anybody know what's going on?

Neil ⊥
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