On 02/26/2014 01:43 AM, endob...@racket-lang.org wrote:
endobson has updated `master' from 2df436d29c to 62a09958d2.

=====[ One Commit ]=====================================================
Directory summary:
   76.6% pkgs/typed-racket-pkgs/typed-racket-lib/typed-racket/base-env/
   23.3% pkgs/typed-racket-pkgs/typed-racket-test/tests/typed-racket/unit-tests/


62a0995 Eric Dobson <endob...@racket-lang.org> 2014-02-26 00:34
| Revert "Fix type of - to not be wrong on negative fixnums."
| The math library is relying on the current broken behavior. Revert until
| we can fix it.

Turns out it was nothing critical or user-facing, just an attempt at a sanity check on a value that was going to be passed to `make-vector', which checks the value's size anyway. You should be able to un-revert.

Neil ⊥

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