Can you take a look at this section (and its placement) for
correctness and explanatory value? [Matthew and I talked about adding
this at the end of April and I just got around to it.]


On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:14 AM,  <> wrote:
> jay has updated `master' from dd0f0b6141 to aaa892646a.
> =====[ One Commit ]=====================================================
> Directory summary:
>  100.0% pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/reference/
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> aaa8926 Jay McCarthy <> 2014-05-21 10:14
> :
> | Add section on separate compilation to reference
> :
>   M .../scribblings/reference/eval-model.scrbl        | 140 
> +++++++++++++++++++
> =====[ Overall Diff ]===================================================
> pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/reference/eval-model.scrbl
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> --- OLD/pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/reference/eval-model.scrbl
> +++ NEW/pkgs/racket-pkgs/racket-doc/scribblings/reference/eval-model.scrbl
> @@ -599,6 +599,146 @@ top-level variables in higher @tech{phases}, while 
> module
>  top-levels are in corresponding higher @tech{phase}s.
>  @;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> +@subsection[#:tag "separate-compilation"]{The Separate Compilation Guarantee}
> +
> +When a module is compiled, its @tech{phase} 1 is instantiated. This
> +can, in turn, trigger the transitive instantiation of many other
> +modules at other phases, including phase 1. Racket provides a very
> +strong guarantee about this instantiation called "The Separate
> +Compilation Guarantee":
> +
> +"Any @tech{effects} of the instantiation of the module's phase 1 due
> +to compilation on the Racket runtime system are @tech{discarded}."
> +
> +The guarantee concerns @deftech{effects}. There are two different
> +kinds of effects: internal and external.
> +
> +Internal effects are exemplified by mutation.  Mutation is the action
> +of a function such as @racket[set-box!], which changes the value
> +contained in the box. The modified box is not observable outside of
> +Racket, so the effect is said to be "internal". By definition,
> +internal effects is not detectable outside of the Racket program.
> +
> +External effects are exemplified by input/output (or I/O). I/O is the
> +action of a function such as @racket[tcp-connect], which communicates
> +with the operating system to send network packets outside of the
> +machine running Racket via the electromagnetic spectrum. The
> +transmission of these packets is observable outside of Racket, in
> +particular by the receiver computer or any routers in
> +between. External effects exist to be detectable outside of the Racket
> +program and are often detectable using physical processes.
> +
> +An effect is @deftech{discarded} when it is no longer detectable. For
> +instance, a mutation of a box from @racket[3] to @racket[4] would be
> +discarded if it ceases to be detectable that it was ever changed, and
> +thus would still contain @racket[3]. Because external effects are
> +intrinsically observable outside of Racket, they cannot be discarded,
> +because Racket lacks a time-reversal mechanism.
> +
> +Thus, The Separate Compilation Guarantee only concerns effects like
> +mutation, because they are exclusively effects "on the Racket runtime
> +system" and not "on the physical universe".
> +
> +There are many things a Racket program can do that appear to be
> +internal effects, but are actually external effects. For instance,
> +@racket[bytes-set!] is typically an internal effect, except when the
> +bytes were created by @racket[make-shared-bytes] which is allocated in
> +space observable by other processes. Thus, effects which modify them
> +are not discardable, so @racket[bytes-set!], in this case, is an
> +external effect.
> +
> +The opposite is also true: some things which appear to be external are
> +actually internal. For instance, if a Racket program starts multiple
> +threads and uses mutation to communicate between them, that mutation
> +is purely internal, because Racket's threads are defined entirely
> +internally.
> +
> +Furthermore, whenever a Racket program calls an @tech{unsafe}
> +function, the Racket runtime system makes no promises about its
> +effects. For instance, all foreign calls use
> +@racketmodname[ffi/unsafe], so all foreign calls are unsafe and their
> +effects cannot be discarded by Racket.
> +
> +Finally, The Separate Compilation Guarantee only concerns
> +instantiations at phase 1 during compilation and not all phase 1
> +instantiations generally, such as when its phase 1 is required and
> +used for effects via reflective mechanisms.
> +
> +The practical consequence of this guarantee is that because effects
> +are never visible, no module can detect whether a module it
> +@racket[require]s is already compiled. Thus, it can never change the
> +compilation of one module to have already compiled a different module.
> +In particular, if module A is shared by the phase 1 portion of modules
> +X and Y, then any internal effects while X is compiled are not visible
> +during the compilation of Y, regardless of whether X and Y are
> +compiled during the same Racket runtime system.
> +
> +The following set of modules demonstrate this guarantee. First, we
> +define a module with the ability to observe effects via a
> +@racket[box]:
> +
> +@racketblock[
> +(module box racket/base
> +  (provide (all-defined-out))
> +  (define b (box 0)))
> +]
> +
> +Next, we define two syntax transformers that use and mutate this box:
> +
> +(module transformers racket/base
> +  (provide (all-defined-out))
> +  (require (for-syntax racket/base
> +                       'box))
> +  (define-syntax (sett stx)
> +    (set-box! b 2)
> +    (syntax (void)))
> +  (define-syntax (gett stx)
> +    (quasisyntax (unsyntax (unbox b)))))
> +]
> +
> +Next, we define a module that uses these transformers:
> +
> +@racketblock[
> +(module user racket/base
> +  (provide (all-defined-out))
> +  (require 'transformers)
> +  (sett)
> +  (define gott (gett)))
> +]
> +
> +Finally, we define a second module that uses these transformers:
> +
> +@racketblock[
> +(module test racket/base
> +  (require 'box 'transformers 'user)
> +  (displayln gott)
> +  (displayln (gett))
> +
> +  (sett)
> +  (displayln (gett))
> +
> +  (displayln (unbox b))
> +  )
> +]
> +
> +This module displays:
> +@itemize[
> + @item{@litchar["2"], because the module @racket['user] expanded to 
> @racket[2].}
> + @item{@litchar["0"], because the effects of compiling @racket['user] were 
> discarded.}
> + @item{@litchar["2"], because the effect of @racket[(sett)] inside 
> @racket['test] is not discarded.}
> + @item{@litchar["0"], because the effects at phase 1 are irrelevant to the 
> phase 0 use of @racket[b].}
> +]
> +
> +Furthermore, this display will never change, regardless of which order
> +these modules are compiled in or whether they are compiled at the same
> +time or separately.
> +
> +In contrast, if these modules were changed to store the value of
> +@racket[b] in a file on the filesystem, then the program would only
> +display @litchar["2"].
> +
> +@;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>  @subsection[#:tag "cross-phase persistent-modules"]{Cross-Phase Persistent 
> Modules}
>  Module declarations that fit a highly constrained form---including a
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