Adding to Abhay comment,

In most of the Ranger Plugin from the components side we use API
oupInformation.html which will wrap around JAAS and provides the mechanism
to determine the User and Groups. Please check if this can be used.


On 3/24/17, 12:03 PM, "Abhay Kulkarni" <> wrote:

>Hi Alex,
>This is exactly right. Users, groups and their associations in Ranger
>(specifically Ranger Admin) are props for being able to define policies.
>They are not the Œsource of truth¹. It is expected that the correct user
><‹-> group associations will be available in the component (service) from
>appropriate authentication system, and provided to Ranger Plugin as part
>of authorization request.
>On 3/24/17, 11:51 AM, "Alexander Denissov" <> wrote:
>>Hi Ranger experts,
>>We are developing a custom Ranger Plugin for Apache HAWQ(incubating) and
>>noticed that group policies are not behaving as we expected.
>>In Ranger, we define a user U (actually synched from OS). We then
>>define group G and enroll user U into it. We then define a policy and
>>a privilege to the group G in this policy.
>>On the client side, we do not know that user U belongs to group G, as
>>information is only defined in Ranger. When we request policy evaluation,
>>we send an empty set for the userGroups API parameter, assuming Ranger
>>use its internal mapping. But the access is denied by Ranger.
>>So, it seems Ranger will not use the information from its internal user
>><--> group mapping when evaluating policies and would rely on client
>>providing the set of groups for the user explicitly ?
>>This also means user <--> group mapping in Ranger is NOT the source of
>>truth, but rather a mirror of some other authentication system (OS, LDAP,
>>etc) and a service will need to fetch this information upon user
>>authentication and provide to Ranger ?
>>I will appreciate clarification on these points.

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