
Thanks for taking time to verify, give feedback and vote on Apache Ranger 2.1.0 
release candidate #0.

More than 72 hours have passed since the email to vote for the release; the 
vote is now closed. The vote passes with 10 +1s and no 0s and -1s.

Here are the vote details:

Seven +1 votes from following PMC members:
  - Abhay Kulkarni
  - Bosco Durai
  - Madhan Neethiraj
  - Ramesh Mani
  - Sailaja Polavarapu 
  - Selvamohan Neethiraj
  - Velmurugan Periasamy

Three +1 votes from following committers/contributors:
  - Deepak Sharma
  - Mehul Parikh
  - Nixon Rodrigues

Voting thread: 

I will begin the process of creating the release artifacts for Apache Ranger 


On 8/30/20, 2:37 PM, "Madhan Neethiraj" <mad...@apache.org> wrote:


    Apache Ranger 2.1.0 release candidate #0 is now available for a vote within 
dev community. Links to the release artifacts are given below. Please review 
and vote.

    The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary votes are 
      [ ] +1 approve
      [ ] +0 no opinion
      [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)


    List of all issues addressed in this release: 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project=RANGER AND status=Resolved 
AND fixVersion=2.1.0 ORDER BY key DESC

    Git tag for the release: 
    Sources for the release: 

    Source release verification:
      PGP Signature: 
      SHA256 Hash:   
      SHA512 Hash:   

    Keys to verify the signature of the release artifacts are available at: 

    New features/enhancements:
      - Hive plugin enhancement to authorize based on database/table owners
      - Solr plugin enhancement to support document level authorization
      - Kafka plugin enhancement to support authorization on consumer-groups
      - Presto plugin enhancements to support row-filtering and column-masking
      - Atlas plugin enhancements to support authorization for new operations 
and resources
      - Plugins enhancement to support Ranger HA without requiring a 
      - Plugins enhancements to support incremental tag updates
      - Plugins enhancements to support super-users and super-groups
      - Plugins enhancements to support audit excluded-users
      - Added support for Elastic Search as audit store
      - Ranger Admin UI improvements
      - Performance improvement in bulk create/update of policies
      - Ranger KMS enhancement to support Azure Key Vault
      - Java client library to access Ranger REST APIs
      - Python client library to access Ranger REST APIs
      - Added docker setup to build, deploy Apache Ranger along with Ranger 
authorization enabled HDFS/YARN/HBase/Kafka services
      - updated versions of dependent libraries/components

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