Hi Ranger Devs,

I am trying to test the ranger hive plugin locally. I set up hive/hadoop on
my system and built and installed the ranger hive plugin, when i try to
connect via beeline, i get

beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://
Connecting to jdbc:hive2://
Enter username for jdbc:hive2://:
Enter password for jdbc:hive2://:
20/11/30 16:07:46 [main]: WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load
native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where
Hive Session ID = 4080ae68-a3af-4ccc-82b4-c96aedabef67
20/11/30 16:07:46 [main]: WARN authorizer.RangerHiveAuthorizerBase:
hiveAuthenticator.getUserName() returned null/empty
20/11/30 16:07:46 [main]: ERROR config.RangerConfiguration:
addResourceIfReadable(ranger-hive-policymgr-ssl.xml): couldn't find
resource file location
20/11/30 16:07:46 [main]: ERROR config.RangerConfiguration:
addResourceIfReadable(ranger-hive-privacera_hive-audit.xml): couldn't find
resource file location
20/11/30 16:07:46 [main]: ERROR config.RangerConfiguration:
addResourceIfReadable(ranger-hive-privacera_hive-security.xml): couldn't
find resource file location
20/11/30 16:07:46 [main]: ERROR config.RangerConfiguration:
couldn't find resource file location

I see the ranger xml files are present in the conf folder at
$HIVE_HOME/conf, not sure why the plugin can't find those, should I put
them at some other location.
Appreciate any help.


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