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Review request for ranger, bhavik patel, Brijesh Bhalala, Dineshkumar Yadav, Madhan Neethiraj, Mehul Parikh, Mugdha Varadkar, Pradeep Agrawal, and Vishal Bhavsar. Bugs: RANGER-4983 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RANGER-4983 Repository: ranger Description ------- Steps to repro # Login to hbase shell via hbase user and create below tables create 'RitTable1', 'personal', 'medical','finance' put 'RitTable1', '1', 'personal:fname', 'Mike' {code} # create allow policy in Ranger for above resources to user systest (attached screenshot) # add audit filter in hbase service for above resource and user (attached screenshot) # login to hbase shell via systest user and run below command scan 'RitTable1' {code} # Ranger audits are getting generated for the above command. Expected result : No audit is expected to be generated for the above command. Diffs ----- security-admin/src/main/webapp/react-webapp/src/views/ServiceManager/ServiceDefinition.jsx 188e1a0f5 security-admin/src/main/webapp/react-webapp/src/views/ServiceManager/ServiceForm.jsx 3515198cb security-admin/src/main/webapp/react-webapp/src/views/ServiceManager/ServiceViewDetails.jsx 9ac234474 Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/75345/diff/1/ Testing ------- Tested that after patch Audit filter value properly pass on backend side and we will get correct value of include and exclude flag for resources. Thanks, Dhaval Rajpara