On 10/04/2013 7:46 PM, Simon IJskes - QCG wrote:
On 10-04-13 09:44, Peter Firmstone wrote:

I wonder if there's a way to detect RLIMIT_NOFILE from java?

Other then spawning a shell with 'ulimit -n' i can't tell.

In order to find the open port and do a 'lsof -i :4160' we need root access to see other userids, if whe don't have it, the result is not all-inclusive, but i suspect any jenkins build is the most likely suspect, and these i think would all run under the same userid.

I also have code to create a heapdump programmatically, so if the exception occurs whe can inspect the dump later.

That might also be useful for tests failing only occassionally, synchronization issues are suspected, so far it's proven quite difficult to determine causes and I've had to resort to visual code inspection.

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