Well done Greg, hey I noticed you've got an annotation called Init, this would allow a service to be exported and have any threads started after construction wouldn't it?



On 27/05/2013 6:28 PM, Greg Trasuk wrote:
Hi all:

As you know, I've been working for some time on a container for Jini
services.  This work started out as a Surrogate container, but has
migrated to be a generic container that has similar goals to the old
Harvester project on jini.org.  To wit:

- Provide a simplified deployment environment (simpler than the
com.sun.jini.Start mechanism)
- Host multiple services in one VM.  e.g.  reggie plus business
- Handle the task of serving codebase jars without asking much of the
- Handle the classpath without asking much of the developer.
- Provide a platform on which to develop better deployment standards
- Provide an implementation of the Surrogate spec.
- Allow for service containers on one machine, by auto-allocating
codebase ports

The work has been contained up to now in the jtsk/skunk/surrogate
branch.  It has reached a point of relative feature-completeness where
I'm now comfortable inviting review and participation from other River

In light of recent discussions about git I thought I'd try it out, so
I've moved the bulk of the project into a git repository at
git://github.com/trasukg/river-container.  Eventually of course, the
nascent Apache git server will hold the canonical copy.

At the same time I'm migrating to Maven.  Here's where I need the
services of someone a little more experienced with Maven than I am.
Could someone tell me if I'm on the right or wrong track?

I've setup a multi-module project like so:

river-container         - parent project
--river-container-core  - Java and associated source for the core

The core jar files need to get assembled with configuration files and
dependent jars into a deployment layout similar to JBoss or Tomcat.
Services get assembled and packaged into a jar file somewhat like a web
application.  For integration testing, I need to assemble a test
container including reggie and the core container components, and so on.

So I'm thinking that I'll add the following modules to the multi-module

-- reggie-module.ssar   - Starter Service Archive module for reggie
-- river-container-test - container configured with Reggie for testing
-- river-container-default      - container configured for basic use.

Does that make sense?  Should the Maven group id be "org.apache.river"
or "org.apache.river.container"?

Feel free to have a look and let me know.


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