Jini has a small but loyal user base in financial services.

Looks like River is building on J9, real time java and IIOP seems to be working too.

I'm not expecting many tests to pass at this stage, since many permissions will be different, at least it's all compilling now.



On 22/05/2014 6:53 PM, Dawid Loubser wrote:
Wow Peter, that sounds great! I imagine that a significant percentage of the (rather small) River user base might operate in environments requiring some of these other Java VMs with particular qualities around real-time processing, etc.


On 22/05/2014 06:29, Peter Firmstone wrote:
Presently we are prevented from compilling and running on J9, JRockit or other Java VM's.

I've been able to modify Phoenix to use reflection at runtime to call Sun private implementations, meaning that Phoenix is strictly a Sun JVM only component, but would no longer prevent compilling and testing on other architectures.

There is one test that, com.sun.jini.test.impl.reggie.MultiHomedClientTest that uses the following internal sun API:


If I was to change this test and associated classes to .txt extensions, we could run these manually on Sun's JVM, while allowing River to build on other architectures.



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