+1 Peter

On 7/08/2015 5:02 AM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
This version incorporates ideas from the discussion in the "Draft
report" thread.


Report from the Apache River committee [Patricia Shanahan]

## Description:
 - Apache River is a Java-based Service Oriented Architecture,
implementing the Jini Specification and Jini Technology Starter Kit.

## Activity:

 - The main objectives are release 3.0 and an improved new user
experience. We now have release candidates for both objectives.

The release 3.0 candidate provides a deep refactoring that addresses
performance, concurrency and scaling issues. It replaces sun.com.jini
and com.artima package names with new org.apache.river package names.

The improved new user experience objective is supported by a release
candidate for new set of easy-to-run River examples.

## Health report:
 - The project continues to make only slow progress, mainly due to lack
of time on the part of the committers.

## Issues:
 - there are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## LDAP committee group/Committership changes:

 - Currently 13 committers and 13 LDAP committee group members.
 - No new changes to the LDAP committee group or committership since
last report. The last change in the PMC was in June 2014, when Patricia
Shanahan returned from emeritus to active status as a committer and PMC

## Releases:

 - Apache River 2.2.2 was released on November 18, 2013
 - Apache River 2.2.1 was released on May 2, 2013.

## Mailing list activity:

 - dev@river.apache.org:
    - 96 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
    - 80 emails sent to list (175 in previous quarter)

 - u...@river.apache.org:
    - 100 subscribers (down -1 in the last 3 months):
    - 3 emails sent to list (15 in previous quarter)

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