Hello Glen,

I like the idea of support a 2nd UI library in Roller. Foundation is another which we can have in roller (http://foundation.zurb.com/). There are also a lot of people using these library. I can build another Roller Theme in future using foundation, so that way we will be having Bootstrap, YUI and foundation themes.

Also, as you mentioned about 6 theme types, that also seems great as this way user will have a lot of choices to choose from.

I am now taking up ROL-2022 now and waiting for my credentials so I can have a go with SVN. I have gone with the other JIRA you mentioned. I can easily grab them as I will be familiar to the SVN.


On Friday 04 July 2014 06:30 AM, Glen Mazza wrote:

On 07/03/2014 02:17 AM, Gaurav Saini wrote:

2.) The fauxcoly theme uses YUI (Yahoo User Interface) stored in webapp/roller-ui/yui, but the YUI is from 2009. I'd like to have it replaced with the latest release YUI. The YUI we ship with Roller is not just for fauxcoly, but for any YUI-based custom theme a user may wish to create (by keeping it in roller-ui/yui a new theme creator doesn't have to bother importing all the YUI files with his theme.) Also, if the theme can be tweaked a bit to be responsive while using YUI still that would be good.

What I think is two option for this, we can replace YUI with bootstrap themes (http://bootswatch.com/) and this is make it responsive. Also with this we can upgrade the back-end UI also through which it will be easier to create blogs from any screens (mobiles and tabs on the go). Another option is upgrading to YUI 2 to YUI 3, but YUI 3 might not provide much features which bootstrap provides, although from docs it seems it has responsiveness support.

My Idea is to go with bootstrap as its easier to upgrade it and active development is going at hight pace and will enhance the UI very much.

If YUI is not part of your present research interests, no problem, leave #2 alone then -- I'll look into this one. I haven't looked at YUI much but if it's becoming obsolete, we can switch it to another up-and-coming competitor to Bootstrap. But I think it would be good for Roller to support a 2nd UI CSS & JavaScript library, even if it is not as good or as popular as Bootstrap, if only to demonstrate that Roller has a flexible architecture and hence isn't hardcoded to a specific UI technology.

In earlier versions of Roller (for example JRoller hosted by DZone), new bloggers would get a choice of maybe 15 themes and would just choose whichever one they felt looks best. I'm trying to move to fewer but more functional themes -- i.e., (1) we have at least one jquery/bootstrap theme , (2) a YUI (or another technology) theme, (3) (apparently) a theme that can flip between mobile and standard (basic theme), (4) we have a front-page theme (which is just an accumulator of other blogs, looks like this one: http://www.jroller.com/), (5) a non-responsive theme for blogging software code (basic theme will do, but I like the Rolling theme I use on my blog), and (6) (future) a planet theme. Each theme would give users a starting point based on their desires that they can subsequently customize as they wish.

4.) Both the gaurav and fauxcoly themes duplicate an icons folder having all the social media bitmaps for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. I'd like to see those icons stored in one place, maybe roller-ui/icons or /socialmedia or whatever, so themes can reference those icons without needing to duplicate them into their themes.

+1. Another Idea is to add a share link with each blog similar to this. (http://awesomescreenshot.com/021333r131). I think we can use these share buttons, we can check other apache projects for any licence issue if it have.

All I care about here is just that the icons are centralized so the user doesn't have to import them with a new theme. Share links are already available via 3rd party tools (http://www.addthis.com/)--we can make our own, but it needs to look reasonably comparable in quality to the 3rd party alternatives; if it's not competitive it's not worth reinventing the wheel. Also, I haven't confirmed but would like to make sure that Roller supports the well respected Disqus comment management system that your blog uses. We must always avoid proprietary, LGPL, or GPL licenses. Most others (BSD, MIT, Apache of course) are fine.

5.) Shelan, another contributor around 2010 created a mobile weblog view for a blog, as you can see in the upper-right corner here: http://www.nailedtothex.org/roller/kyle/entry/nested-list-element-issue-of1 . The mobile theme doesn't seem to work right today (that blog entry at that link shows the problems with it, the blogger had to make changes basically making it a standard blog anyway, and even with those changes I saw further errors with it.) What Shelan did was very nice circa 2010 (before Bootstrap existed) but might be frowned upon today, I think one is expected to use a responsive theme today when you want to support all types of devices, rather than have (antiquated?) "click here for mobile" and "click here for standard" buttons. Unsure, but we may wish to pull this out of the basic theme once fauxcoly and gaurav are better established.

+1. Rather than different mobile and standard buttons we can have that same theme work on mobile, tablets and desktops. I think this might also clean up a bit code in java and front-end themes as we do not have to make specific templates for mobiles.

Actually, reading Greg's email, apparently the theme will detect whether one is reading via smart phone or laptop, and switch to that theme directly. I guess that is useful functionality for Roller to support, even if there are problems with the current mobile theme that uses that. I.e., if we choose to retire the mobile theme from the basic template, it would be good for Roller to still have that functionality available for users who would want that, e.g., just mention it in our User's guide. (I'll be sending another email on this soon.)

Keep in mind, not everything needs to be responsive today. My blog for example, almost everything I blog is Java code segments meant for developers sitting at their laptops who got to my blog by googling about a Java topic I wrote about -- for me I need wide columns that will fit Java code, I'm not trying to support smart phone readers. Among Apache projects, CXF and Camel don't bother with responsive themes because their readers are pure Java developers working at their workstations with large displays (also, they have a ton of detail they need to give.)

6.) Our website is old-fashioned, perhaps about 50% of Apache websites are now using Bootstrap and I'd like Roller to be one of them. The stuff that is on the Roller Wiki would remain there, so that doesn't need converting, just the several relatively small pages making up roller.apache.org.

Exicted to take this up :) We can definately use bootstrap on roller website. Just want to know in which framework the current website is in and have to check how easy to customize it.

This will require a little bit of research. We use the "Apache CMS" explained pretty well here: http://roller.apache.org/getinvolved/edit_website.html. Before you try anything with bootstrap, I'd like to confirm the current process works for you--once you become committer, add yourself to our people page and publish it on the website.

If we use bootstrap, I'm unsure but it may be an svn commit automatically updates the website instead of the "publish" button you first have to hit on the above link. The bootstrap sites hosted by Apache seem to be of two types: some are vanilla bootstrap committed manually (allows you to use the latest-and-greatest I guess), most seem to use the Maven Fluido Plugin (http://maven.apache.org/skins/maven-fluido-skin/) though and somehow incorporate website updates using Maven commands. We have an Apache Infrastructure (in...@apache.org) mailing list you can ask whatever technical questions you have (that we don't know. :)

If you could bring in Bootstrap while keeping our current publish-button system, that would be great. Failing that, some way we can look at our changes locally and confirm they look good before publishing to the internet. Also, to update our edit_website page describing the new process so others will know what to do.

7.) We eventually should have a sample theme (probably non-responsive as this is a portal-type page) showing how to display Roller's Planet functionality (it is very crude here: http://rollerweblogger.org/project/page/planet, the CSS isn't working). I haven't looked at this at all, and am unsure how well the backend still supports it.

I am bit unclear about the planet concept. Can you please tell me a bit what exactly it does.

The planet concept is meant to create a light dashboard to take care of mild accumulation needs (mailing list updates, list of bloggers you're subscribed to, changes to Wiki pages) so you don't have to immediately move to fuller CMS solutions unless you really need something more advanced (maybe Jetspeed or Lenya or Jackrabbit or whatever.) We're blogging software, there's other Apache projects handling other types of content management systems we're not here to duplicate. This is a later-off thing, perhaps, after we get the main blog themes working.

If any of this sounds interesting to you (or any other Roller committer), just let us know so we're not duplicating effort and feel free to jump into it!


Just let me know priority wise which task to take first, then we can move around all and complete it.

My suggestions: ROL-2022 (good starter practice working with SVN at Apache), ROL-2020, ROL-2023. Then your choice of either working with the YUI stuff (ROL-2019, ROL-2021) or updating the website w/Bootstrap (ROL-2024). Just claim one at a time though on JIRA (others are welcome to grab others, I may take one or two myself), complete it before grabbing another. But we have to wait of course until Dave gets you write access.


Gaurav Saini
Developer and Internet Marketing

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