Hello Glen,

Great work, website now looks good. I have searched a bit and found 2 themes if you can consider them [1] <http://getbootstrap.com/examples/carousel/> [2] <http://startbootstrap.com/templates/modern-business/index.html> and have one of these which seems to be more good to you. Also, the Roller current home page have a lot of content we can add that also to these pages.

Glen, I can build the roller website on top of any of these two themes, if it looks good to you and will share with the community. Also, I am interested in adding some images to the carousel, if you have any idea of what type of images we can add up there (some pics can be screenshot of roller UI ).

[1] - http://getbootstrap.com/examples/carousel/
[2] - http://startbootstrap.com/templates/modern-business/index.html


On Thursday 10 July 2014 03:06 AM, Glen Mazza wrote:
Hi team, in ROL-2024 I attached a .tar.gz file showing a proposed Bootstrap-based website to replace our current Roller website. This is just a starter website, something we can build on over time (in particular, one thing I'd like to eventually see is a Bootstrap "carousel" of rotating screenshots, like OpenMeetings has: http://openmeetings.apache.org/).

Please take a look at the website and let me know if this is good enough to make live, if not, what changes you would like prior to that happening. Please distinguish between before-deployment changes (my main concern here -- right now, I'm just trying to modernize our current roller.apache.org site, so it only has to be better than that right now), and changes that anyone can do after the site goes live.

Don't worry about hurting my feelings--the purpose of this website is to expand Roller's usership many-fold, if you don't think this design will accomplish it, I want to hear it. :)


Gaurav Saini
Developer and Internet Marketing

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