Hi All,

here's the propose I've been working this past weeks for the Apache Royale

Disclaimer: Have in mind that is only a propose, not the final site, so
there's more work to do, but first I want to expose the work in progress
and discuss some things about it.


(still is the subdomain I've been working on in the final site)

The pages I use to define a style and the ones you can look at:

Home -  http://royale.codeoscopic.com/
Features - http://royale.codeoscopic.com/features/
Mailing List - http://royale.codeoscopic.com/mailing-lists/

(again disclaimer: no one is still finished, I put some pieces in play, but
that could not be final at all, or it could be maybe with some changes)

I worked mainly in:

* Menu Organization: That's crucial for a good web site. Look that there's
no submenus. All is directly accesible in all pages of the site.
Main things are in the header main menu (what we want to focus)
Rest are in the footer. I worked specially in this part to get a good
looking but simple menu that will be present though all web site.

* Colors (orange-blue)
* Fonts
* Logo definition (to get clean)
* Apache guidelines (copyrights, links to apache, license....)

To make this I studied :

* Other Apache websites (to see how they did it: Flex, Struts, and so on...)
* Competence websites (how others are doing it mainly in the frameworks
most popular today: Angular, React,...)

As well and of course other well designed and modern websites out there.

Think that I did as well some blender 3d rendering art, but I plan to do
more in the next phase as we discuss content.

Please, take a look at it and let me know what you think.

We can open other thread to discuss about content.

Hope you like it! :)

Carlos Rovira

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