> sooner or later. The functionality which you are doing is something big,
> that's why I'm asking to have your work on branch.

I was already working on a branch. I made two commits to develop@royale-asjs,
which were in a subdirectory and completely separate from the rest of the
framework, so I didn't see the need to create a separate branch that I'd
have to maintain. But if it's easier for you to contribute to the new wasm
target, I'll be happy to comply with your request and work on branches in
both projects.

Also, I cut out a lot of support stuff for Ant (and possibly Maven), as I
will be using NPM to set up and run projects. However, the compiler and
transpiler are building fine with a minor addition to the
'compiler-jx/build.xml' Ant script, so I'm not worried about that at all.



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