Hi Piotr

Thx for the help. I'm looking forward to version 1.7.0.
Also, MS doesn't recongnize the Royale SDK as valid [1], so it can't activate 
code completion for as. Will this be fixed in the next version?

As for the examples, how can I build them in Moonshine? None of the examples 
has a mxml file in the src folder and Moonshine needs that. Do I have to build 
them first? And if so, how?

Should I rename this thread to 'Royale setup' or something similar?


[1] http://www.archemedia.eu/royale/img1.png

Op 3 dec 2017 om 11:37 uur uur schreef Piotr Zarzycki 

Hi Dany,

Thanks for trying Moonshine! We will release 1.7.0 version in the next week
or so. You will have many useful things. Examples should be available in
the downloaded royale-asjs package or on our github [1]. If you will have
any problem with recognizing downloaded SDK in Moonshine you can download
binary package from following links [2] (js only version) [3] (js and swf

[1] https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/tree/develop/examples/royale

Thanks, Piotr

2017-12-03 10:33 GMT+01:00 Dany Dhondt <archeme...@mac.com>:

Thanks Piotr, Harbs for your answers.

I decided to give it a shot during my spare time.
I updated / installed everything I should (maven, node, jdk, …) and
installed Moonshine IDE. I’ll try IntelliJ later because it’s more complex
to configure I guess.

Also I installed royale-compiler, ..asjs and …typedefs through npm.

Since Moonshine at this point will only be able to start from an existing
project, I’d like to know where to find ready-to-use example projects?

@harbs: it will be a multipage project! Does Royale support viewstacks? Or
how multiple pages would be managed?


Op 1 dec. 2017, om 12:47 heeft Piotr Zarzycki <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>
het volgende geschreven:

Hi Dany,

First of all this is wonderful news that you are considering Royale as
of the technology to build your application. Answering to your questions
think others will shot you also with more thoughts)

*- will Royale be production ready by february/march?*
Apache Royale team is consist with volunteers which in most cases not
working as a full time developers on framework. In that case it is hard
answer whether we will be ready for the production. - I can say that in
some way we are now, but there are plenty of things to do to be more
and easy to use as Flex framework was. The more people and projects will
built with Royale we will be better and better.
*- is it possible to easily integrate javascript only components into
Royale? Example: FullCalendar.js*
The answer is yes. As one of the bigger example is MaterialDesignLite [1]
module which is part of the Royale and this is actually integration of
existing MDL library. Additionally Harbs wrote awesome article how to use
existing JS library into the project [2]
-* could anyone provide an IntelliJ template to start with?*
I can provide you an old instruction how to use Intellij with FlexJS [3]
I think instruction wasn't check with Royale yet. I can only tell that
using intellij to develop Royale and previously use Intellij for
development of FlexJS applications itself. You can also work a bit IDE
agnostic using Maven to build your applications and Intellij can be used
code assistance only.
You have also two actively developed IDE which supports Royale VSCode
[4][6] and Moonshine [5][7].
*- I'll definitely need help during the development proces, will this be
I can say that definitely anyone who is active on that list and in this
project will give an hints and help in any kind of way!

Remember that development list is an public one, so avoid to share some
confident information here, but rather by sending them directly to anyone

Looking forward to more of your questions and answer from others! :)

[4] https://nextgenactionscript.com/
[5] http://moonshine-ide.com/
[6] https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/wiki/Visual-Studio-Code
[7] https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/wiki/Moonshine-IDE

Thanks, Piotr

2017-12-01 12:17 GMT+01:00 Dany Dhondt <archeme...@mac.com>:

Hi all,

I'm working for the library department of a big University college in
Belgium (+13k students). We have spent a year on making a concept for an
institutional repository.
Now, we're in the phase of making a tender for the backbone software
will handle storage, DOI's etc. High on our list is figshare [1]. We
use figshare as a repository backbone and build our own front end using
figshare's api's.
It will be my responsibility to develop, implement and maintain this
end. I think development will start around february/march 2018 and it
be up to me to choose a front end technology. So far, choices are
React or Vue. Since I have quite some experience with Flex, I would
like to
add Royale to this list.
I have been following the Flex/Royale dev lists very closely and I'm
convinced of the quality of the product but:

- will Royale be production ready by february/march?
- is it possible to easily integrate javascript only components into
Royale? Example: FullCalendar.js [2]
- could anyone provide an IntelliJ template to start with?
- I'll definitely need help during the development proces, will this be
- and last but not least: is Royale the right choice?

If it is convenient, I can provide a full front end wireframe (built in
Adobe XD CC) although that should be treated as highly confidential

There is much at stake here so please advise...

thanks in advance


[1] https://figshare.com/services/institutions
[2] https://fullcalendar.io


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki

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