
Apparently some of you have not quite bought into the new philosophy of
"better than last release and not illegal".  The cost of a new RC is
non-trivial.  We have some users who are asking for help to port their
apps against a deadline.  To me, that is way more important than fixing
js-swf for NPM in this release because js-swf was broken in the prior
release.  This release is "better than the last release and not illegal".
The next release is will be in 30 days or less.

Someone hand-patched package.json and provided it on npm in the last
release.  It can probably be done for this release.  I'll bet there will
be a big bug in every release for a while.  As long as it isn't a major
regression, we should ship it and move on.

My 2 cents,

On 2/12/18, 1:50 AM, "Gabe Harbs" <> wrote:

>BTW, I noticed that I’m getting an error near the end of my ant build.
>This does not cause the “general bull” to fail:
>     [echo] PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME is /Apache/frameworks/libs/player
>     [echo] playerglobal.version is 11.1
>     [echo] playerglobal.swc is
>     [echo] AIR_HOME is /Apache/frameworks/AIRSDK_Compiler
>     [echo] OS: Mac OS X / 10.12.6 / x86_64
>     [echo] VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM / 25.152-b16
>     [echo] Java: 1.8.0_152
>     [echo] Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.2 compiled on February 3
>2018 Ant Java Version: 1.8
>     [java] 
>     [java] Error: Missing builtin type Object
>     [java] 
>     [java] 
>     [java] Error: Unable to build SWF
>     [java] 
>     [java] 
>     [java] Java Result: 2
>> On Feb 12, 2018, at 11:21 AM, Gabe Harbs <> wrote:
>> Does this require a new rc or can the script just be updated?
>>> On Feb 12, 2018, at 10:08 AM, OmPrakash Muppirala
>>><> wrote:
>>> I've pushed in a fix for the broken js-swf npm installation process.
>>> Alex, given that this release is about npm installation (as per the
>>> RELEASE_NOTES), we need this fix to go in.
>>> Sorry for the trouble :-(
>>> Thanks,
>>> Om
>>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 9:41 AM, Gabe Harbs <>
>>>> Trying that now…
>>>>> On Feb 11, 2018, at 5:09 PM, Piotr Zarzycki
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> In the previous release approval script also runs Maven :) You can
>>>> manually
>>>>> copy playerglobal.swc 20.0 to the following location [1]. - That is
>>>>> workaround.
>>>>> [1] .m2\repository\com\adobe\flash\framework\playerglobal\20.0\
>>>>> 2018-02-11 16:00 GMT+01:00 Gabe Harbs < <mailto:
>>>>>> Ah. Foo… :-(
>>>>>> The maven build failed on Core (after more than 30 minutes):
>>>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.royale.compiler:
>>>>>> royale-maven-plugin:0.9.1:compile-as (default-compile-as) on project
>>>>>> Core: Could not resolve dependencies for project
>>>>>> org.apache.royale.framework:Core:swc:0.9.1: Could not find artifact
>>>>>> com.adobe.air.framework:airglobal:swc:20.0 in apache-release (
>>>>>>zP0uyY6bf7cAq%2BrGBdcZbAeCMLFEE%3D&reserved=0) -> [Help
>>>> 1]
>>>>>> Additionally, the maven build caused me to have to constantly close
>>>> Flash
>>>>>> Player Debugger.
>>>>>> Any ideas why the approval script is even running maven?
>>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>>> On Feb 11, 2018, at 4:50 PM, Gabe Harbs <>
>>>>>>> It looks like the ant build was fine. I’m not sure what it’s doing
>>>>>> It looks like it’s doing a maven build too? (I’m waiting for that to
>>>>>> finish…)
>>>>>>> I also tried installing using nom, but that failed for me.
>>>>>>> I tried `sudo npm install
>>>> <
>>>>>>iH1Jh0qf8vbqQI1tVRxvgHSozcNM%3D&reserved=0 <
>>>>>> rc1/binaries/apache-royale-0.9.1-bin-js-swf.tar.gz> -g` and got this
>>>>>> result:
>>>>>>>BP7Q%3D&reserved=0> <
>>>>>>> I’m not sure if the problem is on my end or what. Suggestions?
>>>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>>>> On Feb 11, 2018, at 4:25 PM, Gabe Harbs <
>>>> <> <mailto:
>>>>>> <>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It finished building and then failed while building the examples
>>>>>> because I didn’t have maven installed on my machine. I just
>>>> maven
>>>>>> and I’m trying again…
>>>>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 11, 2018, at 4:23 PM, Gabe Harbs <
>>>> <>
>>>>>> < <>>>
>>>>>>>>> I got it to run when I ran the script a second time (after
>>>>>> out the folder with the approval script).
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 11, 2018, at 3:24 PM, Piotr Zarzycki <
>>>>>> <>
>>>> <>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately I have also problems with my newest Windows
>>>>>> installation. :/
>>>>>>>>>> Anyone experience earlier such things ?
>>>>>>>>>> rat-check:
>>>>>>>>>> Checking files at D:\Work\royale_vote/apache-royale-0.9.1-src,
>>>>>> report is
>>>>>>>>>> D:\Work\royale_vote/rat-report-src.txt
>>>>>>>>>> BUILD FAILED
>>>>>>>>>> D:\Work\royale_vote\ApproveRoyale.xml:352: The following error
>>>>>> occurred
>>>>>>>>>> while executing this line:
>>>>>>>>>> jar:file:/C:/ant/lib/apache-rat-tasks-0.11.jar!/org/
>>>>>> apache/rat/anttasks/antlib.xml:24:
>>>>>>>>>> taskdef A class needed by class org.apache.rat.anttasks.Report
>>>> cannot
>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> found: org/apache/rat/analysis/IHeaderMatcher
>>>>>>>>>> using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, Piotr
>>>>>>>>>> 2018-02-11 12:10 GMT+01:00 Gabe Harbs <
>>>> <> <mailto:
>>>>>> <>>>:
>>>>>>>>>>> I’m having some trouble with ant on my new machine.
>>>>>>>>>>> I had installed ant using Homebrew, and the approval script
>>>>>> complained
>>>>>>>>>>> that ANT_HOME was not defined. I tried setting it to the
>>>>>>>>>>> installed location and that didn’t work.
>>>>>>>>>>> I removed the homebrew installation and installed ant manually
>>>>>> added
>>>>>>>>>>> ANT_HOME to my .profile file. That worked to get things to
>>>>>> until I
>>>>>>>>>>> got to the rat check. The I got an error:
>>>>>>>>>>> Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:org.apache.rat.
>>>>>>>>>>> anttasks:report
>>>>>>>>>>> Cause: The name is undefined.
>>>>>>>>>>> Action: Check the spelling.
>>>>>>>>>>> Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
>>>>>>>>>>> Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have
>>>> taken
>>>>>>>>>>> place.
>>>>>>>>>>> No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet
>>>>>>>>>>> This appears to be an antlib declaration.
>>>>>>>>>>> Action: Check that the implementing library exists in one of:
>>>>>>>>>>>   -/usr/local/apache-ant-1.10.2/lib
>>>>>>>>>>>   -/Users/harbs/.ant/lib
>>>>>>>>>>>   -a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument
>>>>>>>>>>> Suggestions on a better setup?
>>>>>>>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 9, 2018, at 11:17 AM, Gabe Harbs <
>>>> <>
>>>>>> < <>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> I’m recovering from pneumonia. I’ll try to check the release
>>>>>> Sunday.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Harbs
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 8, 2018, at 9:58 PM, Alex Harui
>>>> <>
>>>>>> < <>>>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is the discussion thread.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex Harui
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>>>>>>>>> Patreon:
>>>>>>>>>>f0tuWI2Ztnm0V2eVd0ug%3D&reserved=0 <
>>>>eserved=0> <
>>>> piotrzarzycki>>
>>>> piotrzarzycki>
>>>>>> piotrzarzycki>>*
>>>>> --
>>>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>>>> Patreon: 
>>>>>%3D&reserved=0 <
>>>> piotrzarzycki>>*

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