2018-05-30 16:59 GMT+02:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>:

> Before we go on, I just want to comment on this.
> First of all, Piotr regularly comments on code that I (and others) commit.
> He has very often raised good points which prompted me to fix things that
> would have otherwise gone unnoticed. I appreciate it very much. Alex has
> called me out on many issues as well. It causes me to better think about
> the code I write. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I must say that I appreciate it as well. A lot. I think conversation to
raise points and make it better is always good. What I don't like is where
comment does not bring nothing new, but questions the validity of it. In
other words. If someone makes a new feature and people comment to say "what
if we do this or that", I think is very positive. If you comment to say
nothing that sums, I think it makes the opposite: it substract. So I use to
comment if I can help to improve, but if I can give some better point over
what people have done, I think is better not say anything since in that
case that devalues the work of another.

> We *should* be looking at each other's code. That’s what “Commit Then
> Review” is all about. If we have to hesitate before we point things out or
> if we get defensive when others ask us to do things differently than we
> thought to do at first, the quality of our work will suffer.


> Additionally, we’re not talking about looking at small changes with a
> magnifying glass here. We’re talking about major changes to the existing
> architecture of the framework. They might be warranted, but they might not.
> Discussing all the pertinent points is crucial to getting it right. If it
> takes more time, then that’s the cost of working together to reach
> consensus. Speed of coding might suffer a bit, but it will strengthen us as
> a community which is way more important. I want us *all* to come away from
> this discussion feeling like we're making the right decisions.

I think so, I think you did a good job here making a good analysis and
bringing good points. My vision is that the overall result has gained from
the sum of all views, since no body is right or wrong, and we can think
differently since we are different, and although we pursue the same goal we
can reach that goal taking different ways, so we must to be tolerant if
other work on something and we are not totally in favor of the way taken,
the other option is to make all the work alone, but that's would take as
all our lifes ;), and sure it would be not as better as joining forces.

> Are we on the same page here? I think this is important.

Totally for sure :)


> Thanks,
> Harbs
> > On May 30, 2018, at 5:17 PM, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > I think so... but hope this resolves soon, I think this discussions
> should
> > be more agile and we shouldn't be looking with magnifying glass others
> > changes.
> > For example, I trust changes done by Alex, Piotr and yours....do you
> think
> > I'm analyzing Combobox changes...no, don't understand a month of
> discussion
> > something that should be more coding than writing mails. So hope we'll be
> > getting to a close too :)

Carlos Rovira

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