Hi Alex,

2018-06-05 18:31 GMT+02:00 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>:

> They might be connected.  I think the problem we've been discussing is
> "how should the DOM be set up for absolute positioning?".

in Jewel I'm trying to use only flexbox, and that's part of Jewel. So both,
classes and css rules are defined in Jewel SWC. So themes not handle layout
and positioning only drawings, borders, backgrounds, colors, fonts...

> I don't think there is a perfect solution, but using '.Application *' may
> be good enough for now.

yes I think so the base of all of this is:

    display: flex

    position: relative
    //justify-content: flex-start // align main axis (this is the default
not need to specify it)
    > *
        position: absolute

    flex-flow: row nowrap
    //justify-content: flex-start // align main axis (this is the default
not need to specify it)
    align-items: flex-start

    flex-flow: column nowrap
    //justify-content: flex-start // align main axis (this is the default
not need to specify it)
    align-items: flex-start

In this way we get layouts working flawlessly for IE11, Chrome, Firefox,
Safari, Opera ...
(since Grid is still not so widely supported).

> I think you may be describing a different issue which is "how should
> layouts find out about the need to run layout again?".  I don't think there
> is a right answer here either, but PAYG says we shouldn't bake in watching
> every child in the DOM like Flex did.  That's just wasteful.  We could
> create some bead that does that for the general case, or for Express and
> maybe even Jewel to cut down on configuration/debugging, but we should make
> sure other strategies work, like beads that watch a single property on a
> component (LayoutChangeNotifier).  The idea is that someone should only
> have to pay for watching the things that truly matter in layout.

Right, I think I still need to remove the sizeChange event in BasicLayout
and maybe do a bead for basic layout bead... for example a
"NotifySizeChange" bead that will loop over child items and dispatch the

> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> On 6/5/18, 4:15 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
> <carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     just let you know that the problem seems a bit close to the one I
> reported
>     about using view states for a new blog example post.
>     If I change View layout from Basic to for example VerticalLayout, that
>     fixes the issue.
>     So in Jewel BasicLayout, that now is based on CSS, I added a loop like
> in
>     the rest of layouts so each chid dispatch "sizeChanged" event
>     This fixes the problem.
>     So maybe this is not the right fix, but seems that basic layout needs
> its
>     children to "prepare" itself for a change.
>     Just to let you know since it seems both problems are connected.
>     Thanks
>     2018-06-05 8:53 GMT+02:00 yishayw <yishayj...@hotmail.com>:
>     > Alex Harui-2 wrote
>     > > UIBase used to set position=relative on all positioners.  We took
> that
>     > > away so that the "flex" and other display/layout styles would not
> have to
>     > > deal with the excess clutter and overhead of having set position
> on so
>     > > many elements in the DOM.
>     >
>     > Can you give an example of excess clutter caused by this?
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > Sent from: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
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>     >
>     --
>     Carlos Rovira
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Carlos Rovira

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