Hi Andrew,

I just accepted your pull requests.  Great Job!

Yes, I know it was more work than expected, but actually you did a lot more 
than just handle Date APIs.  You provided a way to specify readonly vars in 
externs and provided a pile of new tests.

Hope to see more contributions like these.


On 7/3/18, 3:57 AM, "Frost, Andrew" <andrew.fr...@harman.com> wrote:

    Another update: the swfdumps are all done and it's all working fine and 
testing itself properly, I had to change another externc-config.xml file along 
with the other missing.js file to ensure that the 'testing' libraries are 
[roughly] equivalent to the actual files used in compilation..
    Seems to be working to me and, I hope, is an acceptable solution. It 
required a lot more changes than I'd originally thought!
    Pull requests are:
    If you have the typedefs changes but not the compiler ones, then your Date 
properties will start coming through as undefined, as it will miss the 
transpiling bit where it converts e.g. "date.day" into "date.getDay()"...
    Let me know of any issues (or please add to the discussion comments on the 
pull request instead?)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Frost, Andrew [mailto:andrew.fr...@harman.com] 
    Sent: 02 July 2018 16:53
    To: dev@royale.apache.org
    Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Royale compiler not handling Date.fullYear etc
    Ah - thank you! Will look at that later and create a pull request once 
everything is in there and testing itself properly..
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID] 
    Sent: 02 July 2018 16:51
    To: dev@royale.apache.org
    Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Royale compiler not handling Date.fullYear etc
    Ah yes, the swfdumps...
    So when tests that produce a SWF run without the Flash playerglobal and 
standalone debugger, the test harness runs SWFDump and compares the output.  
The reference copies of the swfdumps are in 
compiler/src/test/resources/swfdumps and the files have a naming scheme I hope 
you can decode.  So, when you add a new test and it can't find the reference 
swfdump, it will dump what it found to make it easy for you to copy the swfdump 
and make it the reference copy.  So copy the console output of the swfdump and 
create the reference file and it should be ok after that.
    On 7/2/18, 8:42 AM, "Frost, Andrew" <andrew.fr...@harman.com> wrote:
        Latest on this:
        With the changes in the compiler per the below suggestion 
(externc-config.xml and ExternCConfiguration changes), we can generate the 
below code (as extracted from js.swc):
                public function get timezoneOffset():Number{
                    return (null);
        And everything looks good... works well, we get the right warning out 
when we try to assign a value to timezoneOffset.
        Changes are visible in 
        but I've not yet created the pull request on this project..
        In terms of testing: to properly test this, we need to add an external 
test for it (i.e. running through the full compile sequence), so I looked at 
where there are some current tests that do this:
        royale-compiler\compiler\src\test\java\as\ASExpressionTests.java etc
        and then copy/pasted one of these into a new file "ASDateTests.java". 
However this is causing weird errors: when I build the royale-compiler project 
without this file, I get:
            [junit] Running as.ASExpressionTests
            [junit] looking for C:\Work\Royale\royale-compiler\env.properties
            [junit] environment property - FLEX_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_VERSION = 11.1
            [junit] environment property - TLF_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - AIR_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER = null
            [junit] environment property - ASJS_HOME = 
            [junit] environment property - GOOG_HOME = null
            [junit] Generating test:
            [junit] Compiling test:
            [junit] 608 bytes written to 
 in 0.817 seconds
            [junit] After compile:
            [junit] Unexpected compilation problems:
            [junit] Generating test:
            [junit] Compiling test:
            [junit] 595 bytes written to 
 in 0.112 seconds
            [junit] After compile:
            [junit] Unexpected compilation problems:
            [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time 
elapsed: 1.493 sec
        The "unexpected compilation problems" seem to be 'expected' as the 
result is that the tests all pass..
        But when I have a new file ASDateTests.java, I get:
            [junit] Running as.ASDateTests
            [junit] looking for C:\Work\Royale\royale-compiler\env.properties
            [junit] environment property - FLEX_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - PLAYERGLOBAL_VERSION = 11.1
            [junit] environment property - TLF_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - AIR_HOME = null
            [junit] environment property - FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER = null
            [junit] environment property - ASJS_HOME = 
            [junit] environment property - GOOG_HOME = null
            [junit] Generating test:
            [junit] Compiling test:
            [junit] 592 bytes written to 
 in 0.853 seconds
            [junit] After compile:
            [junit] Unexpected compilation problems:
            [junit] as_ASDateTests_ASDateTests_simpleTernary_swfdump.xml
            [junit] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            [junit] <!-- Parsing swf 
        .. there follows a dump of the SWF contents ...
            [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 3, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time 
elapsed: 1.725 sec
        I'm not sure why it's treating my new file differently from the 
existing ones ... any hints/thoughts?! It seems like all I have to do to 
include these tests is to create this file in the relevant folder, but maybe 
there's another step that I'm missing?
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Frost, Andrew [mailto:andrew.fr...@harman.com] 
        Sent: 02 July 2018 10:14
        To: dev@royale.apache.org
        Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Royale compiler not handling Date.fullYear etc
        Even if we get the latest version, they still don't support a 
"readonly" annotation:
        lists the ones that are supported.
        And I tried updating to the newest jar file, got some weird errors so I 
think that way would lead to a lot more work.
        We do get the original Javadoc comment come into our parsing function, 
so we could do a free-text search for "@readonly" within this? Might be the 
simplest route until(?) Google add this support properly..
        Alternatively you suggest using ExternCConfiguration: having looked 
into this, I think the process would be:
        1) update the externc-config.xml file to include something like 
 (so a bit like the "exclude" list where we don't include things like 
Array.toSource etc)
        2) update the ExternCConfiguration.java file to handle this input field 
(like the "setExcludes" handler for the "exclude" mapping..) and put in place a 
new "ReadOnlyMember" element and list to hold this
        3) in the FieldReference.emit() method, check if this element is in the 
read-only property list; if it is, treat it like an accessor but only with a 
'get' method.
        So I'm thinking this latter approach is a nicer one and fits more with 
the rest of how things are done... I'll update the pull requests later on after 
running through this and also adding some tests...
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID] 
        Sent: 30 June 2018 08:00
        To: dev@royale.apache.org
        Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Royale compiler not handling Date.fullYear etc
        Yeah, if @const becomes const in AS, that probably isn't right.
        I just found this:  
        I don't have time to investigate further right now, so if you have time 
that would be great.  We might need to update which version of Google Closure 
we are using.
        Regarding the options you listed, I think goal is to generate the right 
AS classes with a getter and no setter.  If Google still doesn't handle 
@readonly, we could add a field to the ExternCConfiguration where you specify 
which APIs should be read-only and correct the output AS.
        On 6/29/18, 11:46 PM, "Frost, Andrew" <andrew.fr...@harman.com> wrote:
            Well @const is at least supported by the Google classes; with a 
slight change in FieldReference.java to actually set the internal flag 
("this.isConst = comment.hasConstAnnotation();") then it changes the 
ActionScript declaration so that it's now:
            public const timezoneOffset:Number = 13;
            And when you try to assign to it, you get 
            TestRoyale.mxml(38): col: 5 Error: Illegal assignment to a variable 
specified as constant.
                                        date.timezoneOffset = 55;
            So it kind of works in flagging up a bad bit of code, but from an 
ActionScript perspective it's not right, we should be getting an 
"AssignToReadOnlyPropertyProblem" rather than an "AssignToConstProblem".
            The options as I see it:
            1) live with this as a slightly incorrect warning, as it's very 
unlikely to happen (shouldn't occur in the AS3 code to start with assuming that 
compiles already in Flex) and it's the simplest/most elegant change
            2) have specific code in the SemanticUtils class which knows about 
this particular Date property and is looking out for it by name ... not very 
efficient and something of a hack!
            3) extend the closure compiler to support some of the other JSDoc 
annotations so that we can generate property getters/setters and create 
read-only properties. Possibly the most "correct" solution but not so good from 
a maintainability perspective if we have to change the Google code...
            In terms of testing: as you said, the 'missing.js' in the 
royale-compiler folders is for the compiler's testing, so if we add extra 
testing for the compiler with these new properties then we need that file to 
also include those extra Date things. I guess it's not a massive maintenance 
issue if these files are hardly ever changing.. I just wanted to be sure I 
wasn't missing some step in the process that did an automatic sync from one to 
the other. The same is true of the js.swc, it's being generated in the 
royale-typedefs folder and currently I'm manually copying it to the royale-asjs 
folder... but for that one, there must be something that copies it over, as 
that js/lib folder doesn't exist in the original source!
            -----Original Message-----
            From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID] 
            Sent: 30 June 2018 07:19
            To: dev@royale.apache.org
            Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Royale compiler not handling Date.fullYear 
            Interesting.  In 
 it mentions @const as the annotation.  That might already work and if not, we 
should probably make it work.
            The missing.js in royale-compiler is just there to get the 
compiler's tests to run.  The royale-typedefs repo has a dependency on 
royale-compiler, so we can't create a circular dependency by having 
royale-compiler require royale-typedefs missing.js.  They don't need to be kept 
in sync.  The royale-compiler version should be minimal.  The one in 
royale-typedefs is intended to make a library with the right and complete 
Browser APIs.
            On 6/29/18, 3:55 PM, "Frost, Andrew" <andrew.fr...@harman.com> 
                Those date tests already test the mapping, and are running 
fine. They're not getting stuck at the earlier stage which is where the 
original problem lay. So I'd been thinking of adding a new test file under the 
below folder, where other AS-specific testing is happening:
                In terms of the read-only properties, I would have hoped that 
the definition in missing.js could be written:
                 * @type {number}
                 * @property
                 * @readonly
                but the JSDoc parser isn't able to pick up/report upon the 
'property' or 'readonly' usage. We could add support for these perhaps, 
manually within the FieldReference.java file (which is where these properties 
are coming in currently) we could manually look for the "@property" and/or 
"@readonly" tags within the comment.getOriginalCommentString() value; I would 
have preferred to be able to call "comment.isReadOnly" or similar, but to get 
to that requires changing Google's code..
                So yes, hold off doing anything with the pull requests for now, 
I'll see whether I can get it to do things from the typedefs side of things...
                One extra note: I'm finding two "missing.js" files which aren't 
being kept in sync at all (by the build tools); is this by design or should 
there be some kind of a link between them?
                -----Original Message-----
                From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID] 
                Sent: 29 June 2018 17:38
                To: dev@royale.apache.org
                Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Royale compiler not handling 
Date.fullYear etc
                There are Date tests in TestRoyaleGlobalClasses.java
                In this case, the issue may be in how to set up a copy of the 
tests to work with js.swc instead of playerglobal.swc.
                Regarding read-only properties, I think the externc compiler 
might have a way of doing that.  It would likely involve one of the JSDoc 
annotations or an interface.  And the result should be a getter without a 
setter.  I don't have time to look for it right now.  It would be best to deal 
with this in the typedefs instead of in the compiler, IMO.
                My 2 cents,
                On 6/29/18, 7:47 AM, "Frost, Andrew" <andrew.fr...@harman.com> 
                    ".. not yet" is probably the most appropriate response!!
                    I had wondered whether it would need some formal self-tests 
adding, I'll have a dig around to see how to do this bit :-)
                    -----Original Message-----
                    From: Harbs [mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com] 
                    Sent: 29 June 2018 13:35
                    To: dev@royale.apache.org
                    Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Royale compiler not handling 
Date.fullYear etc
                    Cool. Are there compiler tests for these Date additions?

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