Hi, all:

There is a wiki page [1] that has the structure of the old "Flex in a Week"
video course [2], some notes about what I think we need to add for a
similar course for Royale, and my proposed structure for "Royale in a Week".

Before I go further, it would be helpful if people could cast a quick eye
over the notes and proposed structure and identify key elements that the
material must cover and that I may have overlooked. You could share your
thoughts in this thread, or just add them to the "Stuff to include in
Royale in a Week" section of the wiki page.

Next chance I get, I will build out each day's curriculum for Royale in a
Week a little further. Then I think I will identify the stuff I think I can
create and the sections for which I will need help.

The eventual deliverable will be a series of videos with transcripts and
downloadable code. Do all the assets get hosted on Github? I would expect
that we would publish the videos to a YouTube channel, as well as giving
access to them on our website.



[1]  https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/wiki/Royale-in-a-Week-project
[2]  https://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/videotraining.html

On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 12:51 PM Andrew Wetmore <cottag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am going to lay out my proposed table of contents for Royale in a Week
> on a wiki page and get some feedback about its order and what I am
> forgetting to include.
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 8:12 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
> wrote:
>> Hi Andrew,
>> Thanks for taking this on.
>> We have repos for code and for docs (royale-docs) and dev@ for
>> communication.  And we have a wiki.  We should try to use these tools as
>> much as possible unless there is a significant productivity gain to be
>> using some other way.  That's because by using these tools, even if they
>> make you 10% slower, they automatically generate notices in the right
>> places, and hopefully others will join in and make the whole thing faster.
>> When we use other tools it might make a few folks faster, but it is harder
>> for others to follow along on dev@ and commits@.
>> My 2 cents,
>> -Alex
>> On 4/30/19, 12:41 PM, "Andrew Wetmore" <cottag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>     I would be happy to work on creating a Royale equivalent to "Flex in a
>>     Week".
>>     My first step would be to review the old curriculum and see where it
>> needs
>>     updating to eliminate Flex-specific stuff that Royale does not have
>> or need
>>     to worry about. I would then want to assemble a new curriculum (what
>> we
>>     teach each of the seven days) and get confirmation from the group
>> that the
>>     list looks adequate.
>>     My question is, where should I post such a document for feedback and
>>     comments? My immediate impulse  is to create a mind map or document in
>>     Google Docs and share it, but I think I have seen people suggest that
>> is
>>     not the correct method.
>>     a
>>     --
>>     Andrew Wetmore
>> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcottage14.blogspot.com%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C5e6f1266e7384aa2831c08d6cda3c6a0%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636922500628304365&amp;sdata=b%2BhDtiykkxmq9c83dOP%2FF9RrucysABFyICNXaulhjqw%3D&amp;reserved=0
> --
> Andrew Wetmore
> http://cottage14.blogspot.com/

Andrew Wetmore


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