Josh, here's how I was handling that metadata for the very lightweight
setup I did:

Then the test would run the static BeforeClass, run the instance level
Before, run all the tests, run the instance level After, then run the
I can't remember the details from when I did that, so can't say for sure
that it matches what FlexUnit was doing, but I guess my assumption has been
that it was close at the time.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 5:09 AM Greg Dove <> wrote:

> Yeah, iirc those metas run static methods before the test class instance
> is instantiated and again after the instance level AFTER method has run. At
> least that's how I think I did it in the manual test version. I don't use
> those much either. Also afk here for now.. can check later.
> On Mon, 23 Sep 2019, 04:53 Josh Tynjala, <>
> wrote:
>> Is that metadata supposed to go on static methods? I guess I assumed that,
>> like [Before] and [After], they're supposed to go on instance methods.
>> I've
>> never had a reason to use [BeforeClass] and [AfterClass] in a real world
>> project, so perhaps I should have looked at the FlexUnit examples more
>> closely.
>> I'm not at my computer, so I can't look at the Reflection stuff right now.
>> Greg might know, or I can look more closely later.
>> - Josh
>> On Sunday, September 22, 2019, Yishay Weiss <>
>> wrote:
>> > Those are not working for me.
>> >
>> > I think the problem is that metadata is that only non-static methods are
>> iterated when figuring out the meta-data. But then I run into a different
>> problem, which is how to invoke a static method with reflection.
>> >
>> > Any ideas?
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> --
>> Josh Tynjala
>> Bowler Hat LLC <>

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