Thanks for working on the docs.

Beyond the docs, what I would most like to see is "success stories".  I keep 
thinking it would help if it was easier for folks to read about how Royale has 

My 2 cents,

On 10/1/19, 3:54 AM, "Andrew Wetmore" <> wrote:

    This is great progress!
    I think one other area where we are still very thin is on using RoyaleUnit
    for testing.
    On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 6:56 AM Carlos Rovira <>
    > Hi,
    > about latest changes in docs done is latest months. This is a summary of
    > the work done (still in progress at some points):
    > About layout, search and usability:
    > * Now we have a more polished layout that should work right on desktop,
    > tablet and mobile, making more easy for new users coming to Royale learn
    > about it
    > * The sidebar menu will show on the right as normal in tablet and desktop.
    > In mobile shows a button on the right side that make the menu slide from
    > the right
    > * Now we have search functionality implemented thanks to Algolia search.
    > The index is crawled every 24h. Take into account if you make some change
    > and don't see it when searching as you upload the change.
    > * Main menu now turns to dropdown if there's no enough room to show it
    > horizontally
    > About content:
    > * Added global styles for better readability and support of most of the
    > markdown options and highlighting of code (specially for AS3 and MXML)
    > * Now all pages has "description" and "permalink" in the head section to
    > improve sharing and searching on internet. Remember to add this lines so 
    > make all navigation consistent with the rest of pages. If someone notice a
    > page without this, please add it or report it.
    > * Added metadata for sharing in social networks more easily capturing the
    > previous point plus screenshot and name.
    > * I tried to bring pages to the index that was still missing so we have
    > most of the overall structure in place. I'm pretty sure there's still
    > missing concepts and things to bring to the docs, so keep your eyes open 
    > see what could still be missing and report it or add yourself.
    > * Notice that some of that content is still a page mostly empty and 
    > to be filled. You're all invited to do so, just let others know about it 
    > avoid duplicate efforts.
    > * For Component Sets, I started to create a page per component where we 
    > the most needed info to start with the component. It then refers to ASDocs
    > for a full spec and access to all classes. I'm working on Jewel. Others 
    > invited to use Jewel finished pages and use it as template for Basic,
    > MXRoyale and other sets, and/or create new ones for components that are 
    > similar and there's no counterpart on Jewel.
    > * I added live content on Jewel components, since visual running examples
    > are very powerful.
    > * I added live example on the GitHub tutorial app.
    > * I added many cross link references between Royale-docs, blog examples 
    > ASDocs pages. Content must be in only one place but that content should be
    > linked with the rest of royale contents in our network.
    > * I tried to format all the pages I could to get most of the new visuals
    > created, but I'm sure threr's still content to format, we can do this
    > between all here, and anyone coming to Royale and browse content is 
    > to help in this point as well to submit more content to be reviewed and
    > added.
    > * I refactored all license pages to make all consistent with one style.
    > To Help:
    > I think there's many content already done and formatted in the right way 
    > make others be able to add content that aligns to the rest of the doc
    > pages. Andrew and I are here to help to give the finished results that
    > conform to actual specs.
    > There's still many things to do to get a full docs site. This is the list
    > of things I see:
    > * Fill Features and concepts pages still empty (View States, Data Binding,
    > RPC methods pages, ....). I think this can be the most important ones 
    > are core concepts in Royale.
    > * Complete Jewel and other sets reference pages. Very important for people
    > coming. Here I plan to add for Jewel "style specs" too as someone 
    > some days ago, and I think this will be a very good idea.
    > * Add Crux documentation, that should come in part from swiz framework 
    > What more things you still think are missing?
    > Thanks
    > --
    > Carlos Rovira
    Andrew Wetmore

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