On 12/11/19, 9:26 PM, "Piotr Zarzycki" <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi Carlos,
    I just wanted to add that even if component is being added to the parent in
    HTML doesn't mean that you will have on it their real sizes immediately.

That is true, especially if the parent (or grandparent, etc) is not actually in 
the DOM.
Some complex components are built as subtrees before adding to the DOM.

But in theory, controls  whose size depends on the parent should be laying out 
in response to widthChanged/heightChanged/sizeChanged events.  Containers 
should be using layouts and LayoutBase listens for those 3 events.

I can certainly believe there is some scenario that isn't covered, but then we 
should do more investigation to understand the problem and determine the 
recommended practice.


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