Hi Maria Jose,

just applied a fix. Thanks for notifying about it!

I'll be changing setTimeOut calls for something like requestAnimationFrame
at some time. When I develop this code, I had issues for different
browsers. Now that we have more browser control, we can do smarter
management and maybe left setTimeOut as a fallback for browsers that does
not work with better methods.

Thanks! :)

El mié., 8 ene. 2020 a las 19:32, Maria Jose Esteve (<mjest...@iest.com>)

> Hi,
> In the PopUpView.as class, we use popUpVisible property to change his
> visibility.
> To display his content, we use the "setTimeout" function, which executes
> the prepareForPopUp function after 300 milliseconds:
> setTimeout(prepareForPopUp,  300);
> If you show and hide in a short time frame, the prepareForPopUp event
> fires after the value of the _popUp variable has been set to NULL causing
> exception:
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'addClass' of null
> Would it be correct to verify the _PopUp value before calling it? ...
> Something like
>         private function prepareForPopUp():void
>         {
> +            if (_popUp)
> +                _popUp.addClass("open");
>             COMPILE::JS
>             {
>                 //avoid scroll in html
>                 document.body.classList.add("viewport");
>                 //cancelAnimationFrame(rq);
>             }
>         }
> Thank you,
> Hiedra.

Carlos Rovira

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