I should add one thing that I remembered soon after sending this. If we
want to get rid of @export to ultimately remove public APIs that aren't
used, a similar pattern will probably be necessary for setters too. Setters
without @export get renamed too. Ultimately, we chose to use Closure
compiler, and we need to write our code in the style that it demands. Right
now, we have a bug because we weren't careful about that.

@Greg: Yes, I also thought of a single function could set all properties at
once. It's certainly an alternative that is worth considering, and I think
it would nicely avoid any overhead that Alex is worried about.
@Harbs/@Greg: I'll check out goog.reflect.objectProperty(). If that works,
we might be able to avoid the function call(s) completely.

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 3:22 PM Josh Tynjala <joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>

> According to the commit linked below, the -warn-public-vars compiler
> option was added because setting a public var in MXML does not currently
> work properly in a release build.
> https://github.com/apache/royale-compiler/commit/eed5882ba935870a98ba4fe8cbf499e5d8344f60
> In other words, this MXML code won't work if it's a public variable and
> not a setter:
> <Component publicVar="value"/>
> For reference, the compiler currently writes the name of the public
> variable as a string to the generated JS, like this:
> var data = [
> Component,
>     1,
>     'publicVar',
>     true,
>     'value'
> ]
> At runtime, it interprets this array of properties, and basically runs
> code like this:
> comp['publicVar'] = 'value';
> Since Closure compiler rewrites variable names during the minification
> process, this code keeps using the original name, but other code in the app
> might start looking for a shorter variable name like "uB". This is the
> failure that we're warning about.
> I propose updating the code generated by the compiler to something like
> this instead:
> var data = [
>     Component,
>     1,
>     function(){ this.publicVar=true }
> ]
> At runtime, the class that interprets MXML data will detect the function
> and call it like this:
> func.apply(comp);
> Because this new code will no longer use a string, Closure can rewrite the
> property name with its minified version, just like in other parts of the
> app, and we'll no longer need to warn on declarations of public variables.
> I have a working prototype for primitive values, like String, Boolean, and
> Number. Objects and Arrays follow a different path in the MXML data
> interpreter, but I don't see why I wouldn't be able to handle those with a
> similar approach.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Josh Tynjala
> Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

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