(With credit to Chris for the subject name 😏)

Some of you may know that over the last 2-3 months I've been looking into
ways to add more control over how the compiler handles renaming and
exporting APIs in the generated JS. Ideally, my work would have culminated
in a variety of options that would allow release builds to be much smaller,
if you were willing to sacrifice certain capabilities (things along the
lines of dynamic access of properties and reflection). Obviously, you would
have been able to keep things working the same as they do today, so my
changes would have been opt-in.

I've determined that Closure does not actually expose the ability to
prevent renaming of JS APIs, except by exporting them. The advanced
compiler APIs that Closure exposes to prevent renaming are specifically
intended for compiling multiple related projects together (like we're doing
with modules). Additionally, I discovered that Closure does not guarantee
that any custom rename mappings will be respected. In fact, the
documentation says they may be completely ignored, and there is official
guidance that says not to do what I was originally trying to do. I could
not find any other Closure compiler APIs accessible in Java that could do
what we want here, so I think that our original assumption that preventing
renaming programmatically would be possible was incorrect.

In the case of disabling exports, I found that there are parts of the
Royale framework that rely on the fact that properties are exported.
Bindings and setting properties in MXML are the most visible. There are
probably more that I didn't discover yet because the first two had such a
big impact. Honestly, I am not experienced enough in the framework side of
Royale to know that I won't break anything if I try to start making changes
to ensure that all framework code can handle property renaming. Maybe
disabling exports is still possible, but I don't think that I'm the one who
can do it.

In the end, I was left feeling extremely frustrated with Closure compiler
once again. It's not the first time, and it's unlikely to be the last. I
wasted two whole months trying to follow its incredibly strict rule system.
In the past, I have tried to fight Closure instead, so I thought that I was
doing things right this time. I really wish I would have spent that time
doing something else that would have benefitted Royale more.

Side note: As I was reverting the rename/export changes I had made to the
compiler, I realized that there were some issues with my previous attempts
to improve the situation with warn-public-vars. With that in mind, I
reverted those changes too (for now). I plan to look into a better solution
for warn-public-vars soon, but I can't guarantee that anything will work
because it's another place where Closure compiler is the cause of the issue.

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

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