Hi Hugo,

Many thanks for discussing the issue. Is good for the project that we talk
about this kind of changes as we go "down to core", since it will impact
the rest of sub libraries and frameworks.

I must admit that I found the lack of an opposite function to
"listenOnStand". I think I wanted to use it at least 3-4 times. so for me
it will be ok.

But would like to know what others think about it so we get consensus on
things like this.



El mar., 20 oct. 2020 a las 10:20, hferreira (<hferreira...@gmail.com>)

> Hi,
> What do you thing about adding this to Bead.as ?
> /**
>      * Helper function to remove event listener without the need for
> casting
>      * @royaleignorecoercion org.apache.royale.events.IEventDispatcher
>      */
>     protected function
> unlistenOnStrand(eventType:String,handler:Function,capture:Boolean=false):void
>     {
>       (_strand as IEventDispatcher).removeEventListener(eventType, handler,
> capture);
>     }
> I know that Bead.as should be keep simple but if we have listenOnStrand,
> shouldn't we also have unlistenOnStrand ?
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-royale-development.20373.n8.nabble.com/

Carlos Rovira
Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
*Apache Software Foundation*

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