Hey all,

Recently, I committed some changes to the RoyaleUnit Ant task to make it
more robust and powerful. This is in response to my recent discovery that
the RoyaleUnit testing in our royale-asjs build seems to have become less
reliable over time since I originally set things up.

In particular, I found that Chrome was failing on certain tests because of
security restrictions with file:/// URLs (I guess that Chrome was either
not as strict in the past, or we have added newer tests that are accessing
restricted APIs that we weren't using in the past). Additionally, I was
seeing the occasional intermittent communication failure in Firefox, for no
obvious reason.

To remedy this situation, I've integrated Playwright into the RoyaleUnit
Ant task.


If you're not aware, Playwright is a library that enables automated testing
in Chromium, Firefox, and Webkit. Playwright works on macOS, Linux, and
Windows, and it has a powerful programmatic API (available for a number of
languages... we're using the Java version).

By using Playwright, we get some interesting enhancements to our JS testing:

   - Headless
      - No browser windows popping up during long builds
   - Doesn't use your installed browsers
      - Won't litter your default browser with a bunch of tabs that don't
      - No risk of being affected by customized extensions/add-ons
   - It automatically sets up the correct security sandbox
      - No arcane combinations of command line arguments or about:config
      tweaks to get file:/// URLs working as we need
   - The browser debugging console (trace/console.log) messages appear in
   the terminal output of the build
      - Easier to see what went wrong if an exception is thrown during tests

The "player" attribute of the <royaleunit/> task may now be set to
"chromium", "firefox", or "webkit" to use a specific browser. RoyaleUnit
will keep supporting the "html" value for backwards compatibility, and
it's now an alias for "chromium". You can also use "html" when you want to
use a custom browser executable instead of Playwright.

Example of <royaleunit/> in an Ant script that runs JS tests in


> Aside: Yes, the attribute name for the file/URL is still "swf". That's a
legacy from FlexUnit. We could add an alias, but it hasn't been a priority.

I have updated the royale-asjs build to use Playwright, instead of trying
to detect which browsers are installed locally.

That's not the only change to the RoyaleUnit Ant task that I've made
recently, though.

First, I should specify it's still possible to specify a custom
royaleunit.browser property in your env.properties file for the royale-asjs
Ant build. If you have that set up already, you don't need to change
anything. It should keep working the same as before, and your build won't
use Playwright when royaleunit.browser is defined. However, if you would
like to switch to Playwright for local builds, you can just comment out or
remove the royaleunit.browser property customization from your
env.properties file (or from the -Droyaleunit.browser command line
arguments, or any other place you might have set it).

If you'd like to keep using a custom browser, you may be interested to know
that the RoyaleUnit Ant task now supports custom arguments when you specify
an executable command. Example below:

    command="/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome"
    commandArgs="--no-sandbox --user-data-dir=custom_chrome_profile

> Aside: The commandArgs above should work well to get tests to pass in
Chrome with file:/// URLs, even without Playwright. Other browsers may
require different commandArgs.

I updated the royale-asjs build to optionally support both the
royaleunit.browser property along with a new royaleunit.browser.args
property, which you can specify in env.properties, if you prefer not to
rely on Playwright. Example below (on macOS):

# in env.properties
royaleunit.browser=/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google

Please let me know if anything seems broken. I've confirmed that Playwright
tests are working on CI builds. It's also working on both my local macOS
and Windows machines.

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <https://bowlerhat.dev>

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