Hey Fan!

Thanks for downloading Rya and testing it out.

It appears that you must use Maven 3 (for kinda a funny reason... it'll hit
the apache repo by default), and it appears that there are some test issues
with mvm.rya.accumulo.AccumuloRyaDAOTest.

You should be able to build rya using this command (with maven 3): mvn
clean install -DskipTests

Regardless, we need to create an ticket to fix your broken test.  Could you
send out your test report?  Specifically, we're interested in :


On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 7:28 AM Fan Yang <fya...@umbc.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> My name is Fan Yang, I am a phd student in Information Systems Department,
> UMBC. Currently I am working on Rya project under the supervision of Dr.
> Adina. I faced a problem when I tried to reproduce the development
> environment on my virtual machine.
> When I built Rya project by Maven, it gave me some error report and same
> thing happened even I tried different versions of Maven. I am attaching the
> log files generated by Maven 3.3.3 (log333.txt) and Maven 2.2.1
> (log221.txt) and looking for some help. Thank you so much!
> My development environment is:
> OS: Hortonworks Sandbox with HDP 2.2.4 (Cent OS 6 64bit)
> Maven version: 3.3.3
> Java version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment 1.7.0_79
> Accumulo version:
> Hadoop version:
> Bests,
> Fan

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