
The deadline for submitting a talk for ApacheCon is today, and I decided to
submit a talk for Rya. If anyone can offer any comments, please let me
know. This is the first time I'm submitting to ApacheCon.

Montors, maybe you have some advice, whether we should submit to ApacheCon
versus ApacheCon Big Data? I was thinking to submit to Big Data, but I'm
not 100% sure that is the right choice.

Thank you,

*Title *

Apache Rya – A scalable RDF Triple store


Introducing Apache Rya

*Abstract (900 chars or less)*

Apache Rya (incubating) is a scalable database management system designed
for storing and searching large amounts of Resource Description Framework
(RDF) data. In its most basic form, RDF data is a <subject, predicate,
object> triple. Due to its flexibility, RDF is the standard of choice for
storing a large variety of information. With tremendous increases in data
sizes available, scalable solutions needed to be devised to efficiently
store and query very large RDF graphs within big data architectures. Apache
Rya is an RDF triple store build on top of Apache Accumulo. In this talk,
we present storage methods, indexing schemes, query optimization, and query
evaluation techniques that allow Rya to scale to billions of triples across
multiple nodes, while providing fast and easy access to the data through
conventional query mechanisms such as SPARQL.

*Describe who the audience is and what you expect them to gain from your

The audience is anyone interested in RDF, cloud, and database management
systems. Attendees will be introduced to RDF and SPARQL, the query language
commonly used with RDF data, and they will gain an understanding of how Rya
stores and indexes data, as well as how query optimization and processing
is done in Rya.

*Tell us how the content of your presentation will help better the Linux
and open source ecosystem*

The presentation will introduce a new Apache incubator project, Apache Rya.
The presentation will help publicize the project, help existing and future
users gain an understanding of the system, and encourage developers to get
involved in the project.

Dr. Adina Crainiceanu
Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
United States Naval Academy

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