Hi Rya folks!

Rya looks very nice, from what I've seen so far (especially the Accumulo
summit recordings). We're currently evaluating different triple stores for
our use case.

We have a use case in which we need to receive ordered SPARQL results. Take
this as an example:

ex:Message_1 a ex:Message ;
    ex:number 1 .

There are 1 billion of these statements in the db. We need to get the
Messages with the highest number in batches of 100.

Now if we run:

SELECT ?message ?numberWHERE {
    ?message a ex:Message ;
        ex:number ?number .}ORDER BY DESC(?number)LIMIT 100OFFSET 0

It takes quite a long time on most triple stores.

How would Rya perform on sth like this? To be honest I don't understand yet
how Rya handles datatype properties that are strongly typed, e.g. all
xsd:integer. Can it make use of the natural order of integers?

Almost the same question would be asked for max() aggregations...

Thank you so much for your help,

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