-1 (binding)

We need add  RYA-370 since it fixes the optionalness of the GPL Geo
libraries, and a couple other little issues.
We did that already (PR is out there, thanks Jeff!).  Now we should go
ahead and make the benchmarks optional, and Giraph optional (see below),
since we get big benefit for short work.

Update on: JSON lib [1] we are not using the JSON  library directly -- that
is the org.json:json library with the incompatible (good/evil) license.
We are using Giraph libraries directly.  Maven[6] says the Giraph library
depends on the org.json:json library.  I could not find any mention of this
on the website.[4]  But I'll make an exclusion and see if breaks, then make
it Rya Giraph optional.
Excerpt from the maven dependency report:
$ mvn dependency:tree
[INFO] +- org.apache.giraph:giraph-core:jar:1.2.0:compile  ...
[INFO] |  +- org.json:json:jar:20090211:compile

Here is what we are doing for RC3.  RC3 should be out Monday after a 2 day
review time for these that should have PRs today:

RYA-372 [1] Replace org.json:json library with a compatibly licensed

RYA-373 [2] Benchmarks: JMH library cannot be distributed, make optional or

RYA-370 [3] Geoindexing profile is broken and geo artifactIds should have
'rya.' prefix

   - Fixed a regression on the geoindexing profile in extras/pom.xml
   - Added a 'rya.' prefix to the new geo.* artifactIds to disambiguate
   generated artifacts.
   - Added pluginManagement definition for
   org.codehaus.mojo:license-maven-plugin for release auditing.
   - Specified an Xmx value for maven-failsafe-plugin for improved
   execution environment consistency on hosts with reduced memory.

RYA-369 [5] Release requires optional profile during prepare step
[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RYA-372
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RYA-373
[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RYA-370
[4] http://giraph.apache.org/dependencies.html
[5] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RYA-369
[6] https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.giraph/giraph-dist/1.2.0


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