
Take a look at the RdfFileInputTool [1] in the rya.mapreduce module.  It
doesn't look like the shaded jar was uploaded to maven, so you will likely
need to build that artifact yourself by including the "-P mr" profile when
building Rya.

There are instructions for loading data with the RdfFileInputTool here [2],
but they appear to be out of date.  I haven't tried it recently, but this
command, based on the unit test [3] should work:

hadoop jar target/rya.mapreduce-3.2.12-shaded.jar
-Dac.zk=zoo1,zoo2,zoo3 -Dac.instance=accumulo -Dac.username=root
-Dac.pwd=password -Dac.auth=auths -Drdf.tablePrefix=rya_
-Drdf.format=N-Triples /hdfs/path/to/triplefiles


On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 5:28 PM, Geoffry Roberts <>

> All,
> Am I doing things the best way?
> I have a pile of data that I need to load into Rya.  I must first convert
> it into RDF, then do the load.  I am using map/reduce because I have a lot
> of data.
> I have an hdfs directory full of RDF in NTRIPLE format.
> I have a mapper like this:
> protected void map(LongWritable key, RyaStatementWritable value, Context
> ctx)
> {
> // RyaStatementWritable gives me a RyaStatement like this:
> RyaStatement ryaStatement = value.getRyaStatement();
> // At this point I find myself having to convert the
> // RyaStatement into an OpenRDF Statement like this:
> Sail ryaSail = RyaSailFactory.getInstance(conf);
> ValueFactory vf = ryaSail.getValueFactory();
> Statement stmt = vf.createStatement(vf.createURI(sS), vf.createURI(sP), vf
> .createURI(sO));
> ctx.write(null, stmt);
> }
> In my reducer, I use AccumuloLoadStatements to lood Rya like this:
> protected void reduce(NullWritable key, Iterable<Statement> stmts,
> Reducer<NullWritable, Statement, NullWritable, NullWritable>.Context ctx)
> throws IOException, InterruptedException {
> super.reduce(key, stmts, ctx);
> AccumuloLoadStatements load = ...omitted for brevity...
> try {
> load.loadStatements(instance, stmts);
> } catch (RyaClientException e) {
> log.error("", e);
> }
> }
> Thanks
> --
> There are ways and there are ways,
> Geoffry Roberts

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