Hey Joost,

Have a look at the following IT to make sure that you are formatting your 
queries correctly:


Carefully compare your geo predicate and your geo prefixes with the predicate 
and prefixes in the above example.  Sorry, I can't tell based on the example 
that you provided below because URLs get scrambled by our e-mail server.

Caleb A. Meier, Ph.D.
Senior Software Engineer ♦ Analyst
Parsons Corporation
1911 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 800 ♦ Arlington, VA 22209
Office:  (703)797-3066
caleb.me...@parsons.com ♦ www.parsons.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Joost Farla <jo...@apiwise.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2018 11:37 AM
To: dev@rya.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: How to enable GeoSPARQL support for endpoint on MongoDB?

Hi Eric,

Thanks for replying!

Indexing and querying non-geo data is working well. However, when filtering by 
a GeoSPARQL predicate, the query runs without errors, but the result set is 
empty (where I would expect 1 binding). Please see the exact data and query in 
my initial posting. Indexing geo-data seems to work okay, since the rya_rya_geo 
collection is created and populated with the correct statement.

About spring-mongodb-geo.xml, I did already notice this and I did already 
change the bean class to "org.apache.rya.indexing.GeoRyaSailFactory".
Unfortunately, this does not seem to have any effect.

What else can I try?

Cheers, Joost

2018-05-09 16:52 GMT+02:00 White, Eric <eric.wh...@parsons.com>:

> Joost,
> You might want to confirm that non-geo data can be added and queried.
> If only geo data isn't working then try stopping Tomcat and modifying
> your
> "<tomcat_dir>/webapps/web.rya/WEB-INF/spring/spring-mongodb-geo.xml" file 
> (back it up first).
> Change the line:
>     <bean id="sail" class="org.apache.rya.sail.config.RyaSailFactory"
> factory-method="getInstance">
> To:
>     <bean id="sail" class="org.apache.rya.indexing.GeoRyaSailFactory"
> factory-method="getInstance">
> Save the file and then restart Tomcat and try that out.  Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> -Eric White
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joost Farla <jo...@apiwise.nl>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2018 3:28 AM
> To: dev@rya.incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: How to enable GeoSPARQL support for endpoint on MongoDB?
> Hi Caleb,
> Thanks for your suggestion! I've performed a rebuild with only the
> geoindexing profile, but still no luck....
> Any clue?
> Cheers, Joost
> 2018-05-08 18:43 GMT+02:00 Meier, Caleb <caleb.me...@parsons.com>:
> > Hey Joost,
> >
> > After glancing at the pom file for web.rya, it appears that you are
> > enabling two profiles that will build different versions of the .war.
> > Have a look at the two profiles that appear at lines 189 and 196 in
> > the web.rya pom in the following link:
> >
> > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_meie
> > rc
> > aleb_incubator-2Drya_blob_master_web_&d=DwIFaQ&c=Nwf-pp4xtYRe0sCRVM8
> > _L
> > WH54joYF7EKmrYIdfxIq10&r=RaJkRMooYbg4vmML14E10F9hYEBLOeOHS3mAimFNgqQ
> > &m
> > =aMq-SY6ieesyfCsAA4jaNiCdWdoFihroeUYZKwuHDXQ&s=Jew4790glP7fcpwxQGsMS
> > x2
> > qwsReekxD5Kt48lfLD0c&e=
> > web.rya/pom.xml
> >
> > In particular, -P mongodb will build and deploy a mongo backed web
> > service with no geo enabled, and -P geoindexing deploys a  mongo
> > backed web service with geo indexing enabled.  Could you try
> > building using only the geoindexing profile?  Hopefully that helps.
> >
> > Caleb
> >
> > Caleb A. Meier, Ph.D.
> > Senior Software Engineer ♦ Analyst
> > Parsons Corporation
> > 1911 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 800 ♦ Arlington, VA 22209
> > Office:  (703)797-3066
> > caleb.me...@parsons.com ♦ www.parsons.com
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Joost Farla <jo...@apiwise.nl>
> > Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2018 5:29 AM
> > To: dev@rya.incubator.apache.org
> > Subject: How to enable GeoSPARQL support for endpoint on MongoDB?
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I've recently started experimenting with Rya on MongoDB. I've been
> > able to load geospatial data into MongoDB. The rya__triples and
> > rya_rya_geo collections are populated without issues.
> >
> > However, when I try to use GeoSPARQL functions via the provided
> > SPARQL endpoint implementation (web.rya), I get an empty result-set.
> > I've also tried to query using RDF4J directly, but same result.
> >
> > I'm using the latest master (4.0.0-SNAPSHOT) and I've built the .war
> with:
> >
> > mvn clean install -P mongodb -P geoindexing -DskipTests
> >
> >
> > Env config (relevant part):
> >
> > sc.useMongo=true
> > sc.use_geo=true
> > sc.geo.predicates=https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/
> > url?u=http-3A__www.opengis.net_ont_geosparql-23asWKT&d=
> > DwIBaQ&c=Nwf-pp4xtYRe0sCRVM8_LWH54joYF7EKmrYIdfxIq10&r=
> > vuVdzYC2kksVZR5STiFwDpzJ7CrMHCgeo_4WXTD0qo8&m=
> > hL9E1Bkzma7jWCW41bMKQOYWz2WY8WLuFGPmqH4hrdM&s=SJ_BJ1r2sYikKHP-BDWHYi
> > 8s
> > dx-
> > JPGSFvLqcpH-Yg0I&e=
> > mongo.db.collectionprefix=rya_
> > mongo.geo.maxdist=1e-10
> >
> >
> > The test data:
> >
> > @prefix geo: <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
> > 3A__www.opengis.net_ont_geosparql-23&d=DwIBaQ&c=Nwf-pp4xtYRe0sCRVM8_
> > LWH54joYF7EKmrYIdfxIq10&r=vuVdzYC2kksVZR5STiFwDpzJ7CrMHCgeo_4WXTD0qo
> > 8&
> > m=
> > hL9E1Bkzma7jWCW41bMKQOYWz2WY8WLuFGPmqH4hrdM&s=52Htwc-
> > sfw0ZKjI8kGG5i3H4oytUmbntwPY0rWBtEtE&e=> .
> > @prefix ex: <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
> > 3A__example.org_&d=DwIBaQ&c=Nwf-pp4xtYRe0sCRVM8_LWH54joYF7EKmrYIdfxI
> > q1 0&r= vuVdzYC2kksVZR5STiFwDpzJ7CrMHCgeo_4WXTD0qo8&m=
> > hL9E1Bkzma7jWCW41bMKQOYWz2WY8WLuFGPmqH4hrdM&s=BRLJlfnTwK-
> > kcz_WOUE1bhr_TSULRNWnHs7cS-eG7Qo&e=> .
> >
> > ex:Foo geo:hasGeometry ex:FooGeometry.
> > ex:FooGeometry geo:asWKT "POINT(5.091025039849683
> 51.55845016358455)"^^geo:
> > wktLiteral.
> >
> >
> > The test query:
> >
> > PREFIX geo: <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
> > 3A__www.opengis.net_ont_geosparql-23&d=DwIBaQ&c=Nwf-pp4xtYRe0sCRVM8_
> > LWH54joYF7EKmrYIdfxIq10&r=vuVdzYC2kksVZR5STiFwDpzJ7CrMHCgeo_4WXTD0qo
> > 8&
> > m=
> > hL9E1Bkzma7jWCW41bMKQOYWz2WY8WLuFGPmqH4hrdM&s=52Htwc-
> > sfw0ZKjI8kGG5i3H4oytUmbntwPY0rWBtEtE&e=>
> > PREFIX geof: <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
> > 3A__www.opengis.net_def_function_geosparql_&d=DwIBaQ&
> > c=Nwf-pp4xtYRe0sCRVM8_LWH54joYF7EKmrYIdfxIq10&r=
> > vuVdzYC2kksVZR5STiFwDpzJ7CrMHCgeo_4WXTD0qo8&m=
> > hL9E1Bkzma7jWCW41bMKQOYWz2WY8WLuFGPmqH4hrdM&s=f89OhfL5oDrcth-
> > BdEvVqs50OWIjuyAKc0ghUyiTFUg&e=>
> >
> > SELECT ?s ?wkt
> > WHERE {
> >   ?s geo:asWKT ?wkt .
> >   FILTER(geof:sfWithin(?wkt, "POLYGON((5.034360992118195
> > 51.595144381441415,5.149717437430695
> > 51.595144381441415,5.149717437430695
> > 51.52086334303003,5.034360992118195
> > 51.52086334303003,5.034360992118195
> > 51.595144381441415))"^^geo:wktLiteral))
> > }
> >
> >
> > The indexed POINT geometry is located within the provided POLYGON.
> > Therefore, I would expect one binding-set as result.
> >
> > What should I do to get this working? Thanks!!
> >
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