Hi all,

I'm running Apache Accumulo on Google VMs (aka Compute Engine) and use
Google Cloud Storage as a replacement for HDFS. Hadoop (its MapReduce part)
is only used to run the import job to load some RDF to Accumulo, so I shut
it down when the job finishes.

When I trying to startup Rya I see the following exception:
java.io.IOException: HADOOP_HOME or hadoop.home.dir are not set. The full
log is at [1].

Does it mean that Rya requires a direct access to Hadoop? I guess Rya is
looking for a Hadoop cluster in Zookeeper and when it can't find it there
it's looking for the HADOOP_HOME.

[1]: https://gist.github.com/KMax/687293ce666754ce8eed11c369a0db05

Thank you in advance!
Maxim Kolchin

E-mail: kolchin...@gmail.com
Tel.: +7 (911) 199-55-73
Homepage: http://kolchinmax.ru

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